Monday, September 2, 2024

A good emergency planning summary for the pre-election period


Nobody knows how the November 2024 elections will turn out.  Frankly, I'm expecting major social problems before then, as left-wing and progressive pressure groups ramp up their activities and try to intimidate their political opposition.  How serious those problems will be is anybody's guess.

I hope that by now, most of my readers have put their emergency preparations in order, and are ready to hunker down and stay away from trouble spots - or, if trouble comes in their direction, to defend themselves against it.  However, some might like a reminder checklist.  For those who do, see this very informative article dating from 2021, and harking back to an even earlier version.  It's concise and condensed, packing a lot of information into a relatively short summary.

Recommended reading, even for those of us who are relatively well-prepared for trouble.  A double-check never hurts.



James said...

"A double check never hurts"

A triple check also in order in these times.

Anonymous said...

I live in Canada, my employer announced in june they were banning work related travel to US starting Sep 1. The reason was high risk of election related political violence. That tells ne the guys in the risk and security department think its going to get bad.


heresolong said...

Given that it's Canada, what would you bet that they think it will be crazy right wingers being violent and have no idea that it is and always has been, other than one small incident, crazy left wingers.

Old NFO said...

Definitely NOT a bad idea!

lynn said...

Just like the end of the first Terminator movie, there is a major storm on the horizon. Be prepared.