Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Doofus Of The Day #1,118


Today's award goes to a gun-owner in Chesterfield, Virginia.  This brief video report tells the story.

Chesterfield County Fire and EMS were understandably not terribly happy about it.

I have no idea why anybody would store a gun - much less a loaded gun - in an oven.  There doesn't seem to be any logical reason to do so.  One hopes the gun's owner has now learned his or her lesson . . . but that level of stupidity may take more than one incident to drive the point home (or should that be the hollow-point?).



Anonymous said...

Reasons I can come up with firearm oven storage is that thieves rarely ever look inside an oven looking for valuables. Also accessible if person is at kitchen when home invasion or commotion outside requires an instant response.

People do forget to check the oven when they prepare for a meal. I know I've forgotten a cast iron skillet tucked up against the rear oven wall (I missed it in darkness - ALWAYS turn on oven light when checking interior).

Sailorcurt said...

Just a guess, not based on any information I have:

I'm guessing the gun wasn't being "stored" in the oven so much as "hidden" there.

Wouldn't surprise me to find that a member of the household just happens to be involved in nefarious activities, possibly as a member of an unofficial organization of like minded youngsters in the neighborhood.

Bob Gibson said...

Those were some hot rounds . . .

Parklake guy said...

Madison Wisconsin had a police chief that did the same thing...

Anonymous said...

Sailorcurt probably has the best hypothesis but another could be a family member with dementia putting the gun away.

Rick in MT said...

Just like Tupperware, Glocks are not oven safe...

rickr said...

"Dummy -- I said, 'In the freezer behind the green peas'!"

Bart Noir said...

Only one could have been fired through the barrel, if even that. The other rounds would be in the magazine when they went off, so not much danger to people in the room. This is because the gun would not cycle the slide correctly to load a second round, as it needs a firm grip on the frame to provide the fixed portion which the slide moves back and forth on. But one round might have been highly dangerous.