Tuesday, September 24, 2024

I need help with a steering diagnosis, please


This question is for all you mechanics and automotive experts out there.

I drive a 2014 Nissan Pathfinder.  Over the past six months the vehicle has seemed more and more “twitchy” in its handling when at speed and on rougher surfaces.  This past weekend, my wife and I drove from Iowa Park to San Angelo and back, and the problem appears to have become much worse – so much so that it literally scared us.  At times we worried we might lose control of the vehicle.

The problem occurs in specific conditions:

  • When at higher speeds (60-80 mph);
  • On rougher road surfaces (not on very smooth surfaces);
  • When the road curves, or when the driver changes direction;
  • When the vehicle is under acceleration or the cruise control is applying power to maintain speed (not when the vehicle is coasting without the accelerator being used).

All of the above appear to be necessary to create the specific problem.  When they are present, the vehicle can lurch or “twitch” for a second or so when changing direction.  It’s very abrupt, almost as if the vehicle is about to go out of control, but it doesn’t last long enough to make that actually happen.  Sometimes it’s merely a mild twitch, but other times it can be hard and strong enough to really scare us (both driver and passenger).

I've wracked my brains to figure out what might be causing such a problem.  It doesn't resemble a CV joint issue (although that may be part of it), and other front suspension and steering components don't display any obvious problems.  I've sent the car in to the dealership for their mechanics to look at, but so far they haven't reported that they've found anything.

Can anybody suggest what might be causing it?  If so, please advise in Comments.  Thanks!



Wayne Johnson said...

When was the wheel alignment last checked?

Incorrect toe in the front or rear can lead to unpredictable handling.

Timbotoo said...

Maybe something to do with a power steering issue? Is there enough fluid in the reservoir?

Timbotoo said...

Could also be something to do with the power steering pump. It’s full of washers…

Anonymous said...

I would start looking at the shock absorbers and the steering linkages / tie rod ends, then at the ball joints.
I hope that you have a good mechanic nearby. Be safe.
John in Indy

Anonymous said...

Could be a tread separation issue.. try rotating the tires front to back.

Ultimate Ordnance said...

Based on the symptoms, I would suspect a problem with steering assist, speed sensing steering or some other electronic "feature" that is computer controlled. See: https://www.pathfindertalk.com/threads/steering-assist-issues.41269/

hydraulic designer said...

It could be excessive play in the steering system. This could be caused by a loose rack & pinion, excessive slop in the rack & pinion or a loose/failing steering shaft universal joint.

lpdbw said...

Broken motor mounts cause strange behavior, often associated with acceleration. Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

A broken engine mount can yield that sort of response. One can literally steer the vehicle with acceleration/deceleration.

Unknown said...

that sounds like it could be some play in the steering system, from the power steering box, or some of the linkages.

have someone wag the wheel back and forth with the vehicle stopped and off and someone else look and listen under the vehicle for any inconsistent movement.