Friday, September 6, 2024

The toaster-****** problem


I'd never heard of this until I came across it on X the other day.  It made me laugh out loud, so I thought I'd share it with you.

WARNING:  This is absolutely full of the F-word and its derivatives.  If you're sensitive to that, you really don't want to follow the link below!

From Devon Eriksen on X:

Some of you may be wondering why the entire bureaucratic caste of the USA is completely obsessed with weird sex stuff. 

Sure, we can all have good fun ranting about how insane this cult is, and watching them melt down when we leave skid marks on their sacred icons, but sooner or later, you gotta ask... why.

It's the toaster-****** problem. Some of you may be familiar. Goes like this, and I quote:

There's much more at the link.

Do not click over there if foul language bothers you!  Despite that, I found it very amusing.



glasslass said...

Sums up perfectly. But I did smile through it all. Very invented mind.

Amahl_Shukup said...

But what about poor toaster f*#kers who simply want to be left alone, in their respective closets, f*#king toasters in private and dealing with the shame on their own? Of course you still have to deal with consent... did the TOASTERS consent to their abuse, or are they a new class of 'victims'? What if such toasters become serial killers (or even cereal killers) in kitchens across America? Folks, we have a potentially serious problem here, possibly as serious as an impending WWIII or Que Mala being elected.

Jen said...

That was hysterical.

Tregonsee said...

Oh heavens I'm glad I had just finished my Diet Coke before reading that or I would be cleaning the screen. The cats are now investigating to see why the at home person is making odd noises. Likely they are worried I will choke to death and they'll have to wait until Mom gets home to have dinner.

Old NFO said...

And he is NOT wrong... sigh

Anonymous said...

Sweet Jumpin' Judas in a Jeepney!! That was disturbing. And hilarious...

Anonymous said...

Toasters? I'd quickly get browned off with that sort of thing ... Ahem! >};o)

Phil B

HMS Defiant said...

hmm, Nailed it.

boron said...

Adult T-Fs can do whatever they wish in the solitude of their home .................................................................
but if you come anywhere near my little crackers, you can be certain I'll remove either your plug or your socket

Anonymous said...

While very crude, it's an apt analogy.
This reminds me of a survey from years ago that showed that when dating, people were pickier about looks in urban areas than I rural, presumably because they had more choices.

bravokilo said...

> applies as equally to /r/thedonald

CBSNews and etc. have dominated the U.S. so long that many conservatives have adopted the beaten dog defense. Even when defending their deeply held values they say 'well yeah me and mine are scum too please don't get mad I'm just like you :::nervous laugh:::.'
This is why the polls are showing a tie.

Zaphod said...

You haven't lived until you've @#$%ed a Dualit.

Anonymous said...

My solution to the TF problem? Plug the toaster in...