Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Learning from the enemy: personal and property security


DiveMedic has posted an excellent article about the current internal terrorism threat in the United States.  Go read it before you continue here.  I'll wait.

Among other things, he links to a Web site catering to those internal terrorists, advising them how to avoid or evade surveillance, police investigations, etc.  You'll find it here.  As one with more than a few years of anti-terrorist and civil defense experience, in one of the more dangerous parts of the world, I highly recommend that all law-abiding citizens, particularly those planning to defend their families and homes against domestic terrorism, click over there and read through it.  You'll learn a surprising amount about how our enemies plan to avoid being held responsible for their actions . . . and that, in turn, can inform how you plan and train to defend yourself against them.  It might even aid you if you have to act against them, and don't want to be targeted for doing so (by the authorities or anyone else).

For example, I've written in the past about the problem of defending ourselves in a non-permissive environment, where the authorities may not be entirely on the side of law and order.  Here's one example of my articles - again, it's worth reading if you haven't already done so.  In it, I talked about gait recognition and gait analysis;  the study of how we move, and how our movements can help to identify us if they're caught on camera, even if our faces can't be seen.  That's become a common investigative tool for law enforcement, and also for better-informed agitators and activists, who've learned to use video cameras and analyze the film just as the police do.  The Web site in question has an entire article about it.  If we read that in order to understand what they're doing, and why, we can turn that knowledge against them by making it more difficult - even impossible - to identify us through gait analysis.  There are many methods of doing so;  faking a limp (including putting a stone in one shoe), using a cane or crutches, adopting a rolling gait as if we were unsteady on our feet (like a sailor who's just set foot ashore after two or three weeks at sea), and so on.  We might even use roller skates or skateboards for a complete change of pace (you should pardon the expression).

I'm sure the enemies of our society thought they were being very clever by setting up a Web site to teach their hangers-on how to avoid the consequences of their actions.  They failed to realize that the same Web site can teach us exactly the same thing, and also how to recognize their presence by their actions, so we can plan our own actions to defend against them.

A very useful tool for our purposes, and highly recommended.



Anonymous said...

After a certain age and mileage of abuse of skeletal system, one discovers limping on both legs at once or either in turn is almost like a holiday. But if the smart tracking device is on your person, don't deceive yourself as being a grayman.

Anonymous said...

It sounds as if that website is TEACHING people how to commit felonies and reduce your chance of getting caught. i seem to remember a book company being sued because of a book purportedly taught the reader how to commit a murder.

You would think that would be against the law, or at least held liable to people who's property was damaged by the web pages readers.

Divemedic said...

You can always identify your attackers if you tag them for future identification using a firearm. "Officer, if you will simply search the area between here and the nearest emergency room for the one lying on the ground in a large pool of blood with a sucking chest wound. That will be the guy"

boron said...

This appears to be a reformulation/extension of "Alinsky's Rules for Radicals" for extremists who would destroy our way of life.
As per DiveMedic, it's approaching that time when we (and our Liberal/Marxist courts) begin to realize that this is direct enemy action meant to deliberately disrupt the economy as well as the polity of the United States of America

FeralFerret said...

At my last job before I retired, I could identify around half of the other around 100 employees in my building from a distance without seeing their face. It was the way they walked that gave them away. In other words, their gait. It is quite believable that AI could do the same.

Old NFO said...

Interesting website, no question.

LL said...

Follow the money: Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (18 USC § 1964)