Wednesday, March 12, 2025

The "Deep State" appears to have become almost a religion


I was struck by the exit of James Dennehy, formerly Assistant Director in charge of the FBI's New York Field Office.  Take a look for yourself.

I quote Mr. Dennehy:  "Semper Fidelis means Always Faithful.  I will always be faithful to this country;  to this organization;  and most of all, I will always be faithful to you."

Follow this link to find an incomplete list of the problems, scandals and failures that have been associated with the FBI over the years.  Has the organization always been faithful to the constitution and laws of the United States?  Is it faithful to them today?  In the light of the "missing" documents related to the Epstein case (miraculously "found" and sent to Washington D.C. after the most cursory of searches), the Hunter Biden laptop scandal, involvement in several investigations and imputed scandals affecting President Trump, and many, many other issues . . . I suggest it isn't faithful at all.  I concluded back in 2021, following the Project Veritas scandal, "The FBI can no longer be trusted in any way, shape or form".

Sundance, writing at The Last Refuge, opined:  "What the Federal Security Service (FSB) is to the internal security of the Russian state; so too is the FBI in performing the same function for the U.S. federal government.  The FBI is a U.S. version of the Russian “State Police”; and the FBI is deployed -almost exclusively - to attack domestic enemies of those who control government."

With those perspectives in mind, re-examine the video clip above showing Mr. Dennehy's exit from the Bureau.  He's relaxed, proud of his service, loyal to his Bureau and the people working there.  There's not a scintilla of evidence that he was in any way ashamed of or embarrassed about withholding evidence from the Attorney-General of the United States, despite the fact she had officially demanded that all such evidence be turned over to her.  He disobeyed not only her orders, but also those of the newly-appointed Director of the FBI.  One looks in vain for any expressed or displayed loyalty to them - but one doesn't find it.  All one sees is an attitude that seems to say, "I have kept the faith with all of you who, like me, disagree with the political order in Washington D.C. today.  Make sure you keep it from now on - and I'll be around to give you every support I can from outside the Bureau."  Judging from the applause and the expressions on the faces of his former colleagues, many of them agree with him.

This is what the Deep State is all about.  Its leaders, staffers and denizens actually believe in the Deep State more than they believe in the United States of America and/or its constitution and laws.  To their mind, they're the ones in the right.  President Trump and his duly appointed office-holders are not.  They're outsiders, enemies to be ignored whenever possible and endured for as long as necessary, until they can arrange to throw them out of office and bring the "right" politicians into power once more.

How many other James Dennehy's are there in high office in the Executive Branch of the United States government?  How many more are "true believers" in what they've built up over the years, to the extent that they're willing to defy the duly elected leaders of the nation?  How many are willing to ignore the choice of the electorate, and work against those who were elected?  And how can they possibly justify such attitudes and actions when they are diametrically opposed to their duty?

The oath of office upon entering into Federal employment reads as follows:

"I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."

Did Mr. Dennehy "bear true faith and allegiance" to the Constitution?  Did he "well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office" he held?  I submit that his summary termination suggests he did not . . . yet he doesn't seem to see it that way at all.  He's proud of his service.  His perspective on those issues must be radically different from yours and mine, because he sees nothing in his actions of which he need be ashamed - despite open disobedience to the orders of his superiors.

That's what we're facing in the Deep State.  Its followers are convinced - they believe, and their belief cannot be shaken - that they're right.  We're wrong.  We're the enemy, as far as they're concerned.  They're what Eric Hoffer would have called "True Believers".  Theirs is an almost irrational belief in the sanctity of their own rightness and our wrongness, an almost religious blindness to any other perspective.  That's what President Trump, Elon Musk and their colleagues are fighting against right now.

What do you think, dear readers?  Am I overstating the case?  Let us know in Comments - and also consider what it's going to take to convert those "true believers" into what they should be, supporters of the constitution and laws of this country.  Is that even possible any more? . . . because if it isn't, schism will be the inevitable result, with all the chaos and tragedy that may involve.



Paul said...

No. You are not wrong. Personally I think everyone above a G4 should turn in there walking papers. That might not even be low enough to get rid of the rot.

Anonymous said...

My dad, who was a paratrooper in WWII, told me one time that the SS were the "true believers". Are we watching history repeat?

Anonymous said...

These persons must be hunted & prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law! Period. Stop.

Anonymous said...

"Its leaders, staffers and denizens actually believe in the Deep State more than they believe in the United States of America and/or its constitution and laws. To their mind, they're the ones in the right. "

YES! Yes they do, they absolutely do, to their core, their heart and soul, they are the good guys, and those resisting are the intolerant and need to be defeated.

That's why there WILL be a war.
That's why people WILL have to die.
Grok this. From both sides. They want us dead. If you don't want them dead, too, you're part of the problem at this stage of the game.

Mind your own business said...

I think you understate the problem, not overstate it. We see the evidence of that every day.

Technomad said...

A lot of those people are "permanently mentally stuck on the Bridge at Selma," to quote a friend of mine. They see themselves as the only protection that sweet, helpless "minorities" have against evil reactionaries who want to confine blacks to the cotton patch and make women barefoot and pregnant permanently. To them, The Handmaid's Tale is not horrendously-bad science fiction, but a vision of what will happen if they ever relax their vigilance.

Old NFO said...

Nope, you're on the money. He also violated the tenants of the Marine Corps, although he used that as 'defense', which it wasn't...

Sandi said...

Have you heard JFK's speech about secret societies?

Dan said...

The FBI has been a corrupt agency from day one when J. Edgar Hoover created it and used it to spy on anyone and everyone he viewed as a threat to his power. It has NEVER been trustworthy.

BGnad said...

The Southern District of New York is the most corrupt, scandal ridden, crime-infested federal law enforcement district in the US. This is an amazing accomplishment, considering that they outshine even the DC district in their sheer hubris, incompetence, and petty mindset of cruelty. They are absolutely amazingly bad! They should be used as the exemplar of what needs to be cleaned up, and then as the demonstration of how to burn out the rot and rebuild something that conforms to the constitution.