Wirepoints, an organization we've met in these pages several times before, has published a list of homicide rates in American cities for last year. One list is sorted by total homicides, the other by homicides per capita. Click the graphic below for a larger, more readable view.
Wirepoints comments:
The data compiled by Wirepoints is based on 2024 homicide totals for the nation’s 75 biggest cities, assembled via year-end city police compstat reports, various news articles and other sources. (When possible Wirepoints counted only criminal homicides, excluding cases of justifiable self-defense.)
. . .
The nation’s list of top five most-murderous cities has changed over time, with cities like Los Angeles, Detroit, Philadelphia, Houston, New York, and Baltimore falling on and off depending on the year.
The one constant for more than a decade has been Chicago. The Windy City has always taken the top spot, often by a large margin.
. . .
Chicago’s murder rate of 21.5 per 100,000 population was 3 times that of Los Angeles and nearly 5 times higher than New York’s. That’s a staggering difference.
Chicago would have had just 122 homicides last year if it had the same murder rate as the Big Apple. Conversely, New York City would have suffered 1,775 murders if it had Chicago’s homicide rate (compared to the 377 it had).
Also of interest, this note at the end of the report:
Note: The following cities of the nation’s 75 most-populous were excluded from this report as no reliable 2024 homicide data was found: Raleigh city, NC, Miami, FL, Bakersfield, CA, Wichita, KS, Anaheim, CA, Irvine, CA, Santa Ana, CA, Anchorage, AK, North Las Vegas, NV, Chula Vista, CA, Lubbock, TX, St. Petersburg, FL, Irving, TX, Chesapeake, VA. The next-most populous cities with available homicide data were included in their place.
There's more at the link.
I'll leave readers to do their own research to establish the answers to the following questions:
- What political party rules in each of the cities in the table above - Republican or Democrat?
- What is the proportion of the races in each of the cities listed above - caucasian, hispanic, asian and black?
New orleans is actually 5 in per capita
Yep politically incorrect.
When they are caught listing black perps as "White" nobody screams enough about fraud.
When they will not show pictures of the perps unless they are Not black that's fraud by omission.
“The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.”
― Tacitus, The Annals of Imperial Rome
Nothing new under the sun.
Hey Peter,
As I recall, a lot of major cities(donk Strongholds) didn't report a lot of crime to support the narrative that the *defund da police* initiatives were working and also the FBI under the direction of the DOJ also changed the methodology of crime reporting to "make things look better than they were". So I wonder if the number presented are even accurate as in being too low and the actual crime rate is much higher, but isn't reported. Can't upset the powers that be ya know.
You really highlight the problem.
The fact that it's considered politically incorrect.
We all read the fable about the scorpion and the frog, right? You're taught as a child not to blame the scorpion, because you knew it was a scorpion when you picked it up. Scorpion is gonna do what a scorpion is gonna do. End of discussion. Nobody said you couldn't call that invertebrate with the big stinger a scorpion, as it might identify as a newt and be offended. Nope, walks like a duck, talks like a duck, we call it a duck!
Except in humans. That's not 'nice'.
A good friend once called me racist (haven't spoken to him since). I pointed out that differences in physical characteristics like the bones surrounding the oral cavity, are used to differentiate species of coral from one another. This one has a different set of bones around it's mouth than the other one that looks similar, so we're going to call it a different species.
Not humans, however. The only species on the planet we treat that way. Dogs with structural differences in their jaw? Different species. Horses? Different species. Worms? Different species. Scientists can tell a black man's skull from a white man's skull, but NOPE, THEY ARE THE SAME SPECIES!
We're too worried about offending people to have frank factual discussions? How in the hell are we going to progress as a society when we can't have frank factual discussions? Of course shit's going to go sideways, you're not operating in the real world. The law of Thermodynamics is a bitch, and does not care about one's pronouns.
The racial make-up of the Top 20 cities is immaterial. That's happenstance.
The statistic that matters is the racial make-up of the victims, and the perpetrators (when known).
That's not merely politically incorrect, it's like radioactive lava. It also shuts up the race hustlers in about 0.2 seconds.
The underlying point I always come back to after seeing stories like this is ... not every homicide is a tragedy.
Sometimes the right people are getting murdered.
The most egregiously factually wrong part of this comment is the bit about how we define different species of animal. Forex, horses--mustangs and Clydesdales look very different, and if you looked at their skeletons it would be very clear which was which, but no one in their right mind would say they were different species.
I think we should air-drop more ammo into those cities. That would initially increase, but long term decrease the murder rate. By next year there would be fewer shooters and fewer shootees. Simple math. And another benefit would be a decrease in demoncrat ballots to count reducing that expense on all of us. ken
I wonder if anyone ever takes note of the number of people who just disappeared one day and were never seen again. It is a quiet extinguishing that is happening all around us every day.
"There's nothing wrong with shooting...as long as the right people get shot." - Insp. Harry Calahan, SFPD, 1973
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