Thursday, March 20, 2025

Economics in the next life...


... appear to be as hard to swallow as they are in this life!  Click the image to be taken to a larger view at the "Pearls Before Swine" Web page.

I wish I knew how cartoonist Stephan Pastis does it.  His ability to draw humor out of so many situations, so apposite to our current issues, is uncanny.  Long may he continue to entertain us!



SiGraybeard said...

"And in other news..." there has been chatter in the last week that gold hit an all time high of $3000/oz.

A hundred years ago, gold was $32/oz. This doesn't mean gold has gotten more valuable. It means the dollar has gotten worth less. And worthless. A dollar today is closer than ever to being 1 penny of pre-FDR dollars.

Anonymous said...


Hamsterman said...

I was watching a show set in Victorian England and had to pause to look up what "three bob and a tanner" were, which lead me down a rabbit hole. A pound was literally worth a pound of silver, and a pence was a pennyweight (1/240th of a pound) of silver. Which, with today's silver price, would be worth about $1.60. This also meant that a farthing, which was the smallest coin, would be about 40 cents today.

Dan said...

Some people are masters at pointing out the obvious...

Anonymous said...

I loved the challenge he had to draw against Scott adams and the others.

M said...

Yes, converting the prices to grams of gold probably makes at least some of those prices decrease.
But that removes the humor.