Thursday, November 12, 2015

I'm glad they weren't doing this with my truck . . .

I've no idea where this was, except that the shouting sounds vaguely like South-East Asia, possibly the Philippines or Thailand.  The driver seemed to take things in his stride, but if I'd been the truck's owner, I'd likely have had a heart attack on the spot!

I don't know how much they pay him, but it's probably not enough . . .



born01930 said...

They drive on the wrong side of the road in Thailand so not there.

Bruce said...

I would lean towards Phillipines, but I don't know for sure.


Rich S. said...

Translation: "I hate my commute."


Paul, Dammit! said...

Damn. Well, cargo carried on deck or damaged while loading by shoreside-owned stevedoring equipment is 'at shipper's risk.' Still, I'd be pretty peeved if my Hi-Lux took a dunk.

TGreen said...

"Any idiot can build a bridge. It takes an engineer to build a bridge that is just strong enough..." ;)

Ender said...

They're speaking Portuguese. I can't identify the accent exactly, but maybe Northeastern Brazil? The accent is too strong and there's too much slang for me to understand much except for the beginning where he says, "Esse cara é louco" ("This guy is crazy").

raven said...

Idiots. Why did they not winch the ship closer to the dock and shorten the span? Those boards were very close to breaking.

Old NFO said...

Wow... And yes, I 'believe' Brazil... Probably couldn't get the ship any closer without sticking it in the mud!

Anonymous said...

Hold my beer and watch this! These ain't your normal everyday 2x12's son!

Gary W. Anthony
MSgt, USAF, Ret.

J. Sullivan said...

It's funny how often the qualities "Dumb as a Post" and "Balls of Solid Rock" go hand in hand.

HMS Defiant said...

How did that truck get perpendicular to the pier and lined up on the boards in the first place? That looks difficult. Next, what kind of wood was in those boards? I need some.

richard mcenroe said...

Reasons the Third World finishes Third #2,391...