Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Good question


HMS Defiant notes:

In this country the law is taking a beating and that it is mostly at the hands of the law is a surprise to me. This society has not even begun to try to control unlawfulness and it is allowing it to spread unchecked from the streets to the courts to the universities and to all the rest. This is how vigilantism works. When the law has irretrievably broken down and there is no justice, people will start to make it themselves.

. . .

The world gets used to a certain number of youths blown away every single day doing something wrong or just being in the wrong place. Simply look at Chicago. Nobody riots about the 15-20 shootings every day there because by and large nobody really cares. By the same token, nobody really cares if hamas rock throwers and missile men get shot and blown up every day. It's just another day of shooting a minor irritant that nobody really cares about.

They share an underlying problem. The people doing all the violence? They're otherwise completely and totally useless to society. Only an absolute moron would employ them, befriend them, allow them in their home and so society is finally forced to wonder, just what the Hell do we do with this thing we let our school teachers and news media create?

What do you do in a modern society with an entire underclass of useless people that can't read, won't work, aren't qualified temperamentally to behave like civilized beings and actively harm/destroy civilization wherever they run into it? 

Think about it. At this moment they are the punishment. I still feel some sympathy for the original inhabitants of Seattle and Portland and the other cities ruined by barbarians run amok.

There's more at the link.

I'm reminded of the mess produced by so-called "Bantu Education" in South Africa.  The apartheid government there deliberately "dumbed down" education for black people, ostensibly on the grounds that they didn't need it.  Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd actually made a statement in Parliament to the effect that blacks were the biblical "children of Ham", intended by God to be "hewers of wood and drawers of water", and he was going to see to it that they received only the education needed for those tasks.  It's estimated that a black school-leaving certificate (the equivalent of US grade 12) was roughly equivalent to a white grade 6-8, depending on the school(s) involved.  As a result, a vast mass of people built up in society that were not only unemployed, but unemployable in a modern economy, because they didn't have the educational background and skills required to function in it.  As a further result, the levels of crime and violence in that society skyrocketed, until they're today among the highest in the worldWhat else do such people have to turn to but crime?

Contrast that with the state of black education in America today.  Some headlines:

I could provide many more links, but why bother?  The problem is the same everywhere.  Public school systems are producing vast numbers of uneducated, unemployable students who will probably depend for a basic, unfulfilling existence on entitlement programs and other welfare supports for the rest of their lives.  Who pays?  You and I, dear reader:  the taxpayers of America.

Such public schools are the breeding-ground, and their "graduates" are the cannon fodder, for the "underclass of useless people" identified by HMS Defiant . . . yet we, the taxpayers of America, continue to sit back and accept the situation.  That applies to all taxpayers everywhere, by the way;  left-wing and right-wing taxpayers are equally deficient in not acting to correct matters.  It's not a political thing, it's a complacency thing (particularly because most of us wouldn't even dream of sending our children to such schools - we'd ensure they had better options).

HMS Defiant's question remains:

What do you do in a modern society with an entire underclass of useless people that can't read, won't work, aren't qualified temperamentally to behave like civilized beings and actively harm/destroy civilization wherever they run into it?

I don't know the answer . . . but we're going to have that question violently shoved into our collective faces by the growing rate of crime and violence on our streets.  Perhaps we should be looking for constructive answers before we're forced to default to a less ideal but more hands-on practical solution.



Dan said...

This violent sub class of people exists, and is allowed to exist, because they are useful to the criminals in power. The ruling class doesn't want to end crime. They want crime to exist because the fear of crime is useful to them. Violent crimes give them an excuse to violate rights and infringe freedoms. It keeps the feeble minded scared and begging for more government to "do something". And the power mongers use that bleating from the sheeple as the excuse to do things they'd have trouble getting away with otherwise. There's a good reason why all the trillions of tax dollars spen on these subclasses haven't solved the problem. The people in power don't want the problem solved.

NobobyExpects said...

What to do?

Harvest their mail-in ballots and use those to keep your party in power. Easy peasy.

Xoph said...

I agree with Dan. To solve the problem

What can be done with the subclass? Possibilities that come to my mind are:
Deport to another continent (Africa or South America)
Create Reservations (Detroit, Chicago) - The residents could not maintain the infrastructure so how do you maintain it, or do you let it go?

Neither of those keep this class of people from perpetuating themselves. So:
-Forced sterilization
-Segregation by sex on reservations, no breeding allowed
-Slavery (Prison/work camps or whatever other name you want to call it)
-Slaughter (I'm not going to be nice and say euthenasia)
-forced adaptation of children (How many of these children am I obligated to take and raise? How good a parent would I be if I resented the requirement, and it would take non-voluntary foster parents given the number of kids)

As said, no good option. But which is the least bad option?

SiGraybeard said...

In the last week or two, YouTube recommended a video to me from Bill Whittle called something like, "11% of public school students understand what 11% means"

At first I thought it was clever. Then I decided it was insanely over optimistic, especially for places like Baltimore, Detroit or Chicago.

Anonymous said...

The answer is......get in the boxcar, work is available in the eastwestnorthsouth. Please delouse diligently on arrival. The Pope has approved this and so have the Rabbis and Mullahs and Professors. And Lucifer, your god.

Mind your own business said...

This isn't being done TO them. It's being done BY them. They are sabotaging their own education, guaranteeing their failure to integrate into civilized society.

Will said...

The Powers That Be have been dumbing down our schools for more than a century. The fact that blacks have a group IQ much lower than whites probably makes them more easily effected by poor schools, and that eventually ends up as a vicious circle of effect. I would expect that at some point those with an IQ below a certain value would be sterilized, possibly in the hope that eventually the group IQ might be raised to a more useful level. I'm not sure if that is even possible. Looking at the problems in Africa, some effort has to be made to avoid mirroring that situation, as we seem to be on a slope in that direction.

Tirno said...

I had a internet commenter say something to me that made me realize something. He say, "Today's mass incarceration system is a recent phenomenon." At first I mocked this idea, joking that some carpenter in Judea a long long time ago must have been exaggerating about the virtue of someone visiting a person in prison. But then I realized what he was saying:

Keeping people in prison costs money. It's a drain on the public treasure that could be used elsewhere. While the 13th amendment explicitly allows involuntary labor as a punishment for a crime duly convicted, the corruption of wardens hiring out convict labor has ended that practice, so the prison system is purely expense.

What do we get for that expense? Well consider the 4 Rs of a penal system: Restitution (prison quashes this), Retribution (doesn't seem all that effective as a deterrence for the repeat criminal), Rehabilitation (a bad joke) and Removal (the only thing that actually works).

What did we do before our current system? Well, you only kept people in prison if there was a purpose. Maybe you were going to shake more money out of them or their family. Maybe they were political hostages. In any case, you only kept them in prison if it was worth it to keep them alive, even if the only reason they were being kept alive is that you wanted them to die on the installment plan because it was trouble to do it fast. Everyone else got hung to prevent recidivism.

It turns out you need a very robust economy to support the prison system we have. When/if the economy doesn't support this, we're probably going back to the old ways.

Anonymous said...

Peter, you must be familiar with the mau-mau wars.
What was done then to try to solve the killings?
Identifying and spotlighting the leaders, planners, and organizers and holding them accountable.
Within our society these people are allowed to hide with their identities and bases being hidden.
So how do we "out" them? How do we find them? Where do we go for such information?

Hamsterman said...

I thought the "Sons of Ham" were the Russians, as folklore had Ham and his family move north after the Ark grounded somewhere around Mt. Ararat. Their descendants were to be 'destroyed in a war from the people of the Isles' during Armageddon. I guess that's what I get from reading "The Late Great Planet Earth" back in the 80s.

Either that, or the curse turned them into Ham-sters.

B said...

The issues with the schools are many, but the lack of parental involvement is high on the list.
The parents don't care what they children are taught in most of the more "urban" areas.

HMS Defiant said...

Thank you for reading and commenting over here.
One of the most worrisome to me features of the new state of awfulness is how massively entitled our angry minority is. I have never seen such massive and clueless and self-destructive behavior and it is accelerating in the really bad direction.
I happened to read Kant a long time ago on the train between URI and DC and what struck me was his proposal that simply by their race one could know all that was needful about a person. Back then he was simply referring to the various different European nation groups but I find it terribly appropriate today. After 10 seconds of observation I can predict about 95% of the time what some character I see will do next. Thank you UTube?!

Anonymous said...

On fire with the last and next post, Peter.

They all have one commonality.

The rule of law is dead.

We have entered the extra-judicial period of the collapse

Act accordingly.

Seriously, hyperbole is not being applied here.

I have had great difficulty with the recent (5+ years?) situation. Like trouble with friends and family (I'm that guy that goes there). Don't get me started when we're in public, the whole store will know exactly what I'm thinking. This current malaise has me legit wondering if I'm off my rocker, it's so incredibly insane some of the things I'm reading and seeing, but...

A trick a shrink friend of mine taught me, is to think about what the future will look like, and identify concrete things, signposts or flags along the road, that you can use to ground yourself. Often times crazy people will see things or events happen and mold them to fit their narrative. Can you define events and things before they happen as fitting your paradigm? Then when those things do/don't happen, you have confirmation of what's actually happening, and not imagining things and making it up in your mind as you go along.

It's all confirming evidence folks. Every bit of it. The rule of law is dead in this country, in word and spirit. Don't believe me? Go ahead and stop a black teenager shoplifting something. Go ahead, do it. Won't, eh? Doesn't the rule of law protect the law abiding citizen and punish the criminal?

We are in the extra-judicial phase of the collapse of our nation.

Let me say that again lest you think I mis-typed.


The laws will not protect you anymore, stop assuming they will and adjust your actions accordingly. They are now being used to protect the criminals. Trump show trials are the signpost, the proof, as is every link Peter provided here. Very public struggle sessions will begin soon with celebrities first. That's the next signpost along this road to communism you need to be looking for (read a history book, it's all in there). Then disarmament, then boxcars and big trenches.

This is not accidental, not happenstance, didn't just "work out that way" due to a confluence of circumstances. This is planned, organized, directed, and controlled by people we know, who are human, in all their frailty and weakness.

This is the reason we have Rule 308 people, it's time has come.

Trumpeter said...

The problem will be solved much sooner, and on a ad hoc basis. We are now are the point where we start being the only buyers for our debt. (The debt can never be paid off, and we will get mad at you and steal it and we will inflate it until it is worthless toilet paper.)

The government has a long history of weaponizing inflation. That means your pay doesn't go up as fast as inflation and the tax tables are not adjusted and the government lies about the inflation level. This is most easily seen in Social Security increases in the cost of living.
Under hyperinflation the natural tendency to not raise payments as fast as inflation will combine with sloth and incompetence of government to make SNAP ineffective. Food riots will follow, aaaaand it's On Like Kong.

LL said...

What do you do in a modern society with an entire underclass of useless people who can't read, won't work, aren't qualified temperamentally to behave like civilized beings, and actively harm/destroy civilization wherever they run into it?

You import 20 million more because they're easily manipulated.

Anonymous said...

This is an excellent essay, and some of the comments (like Anon's about signposts) are thoughtful as well.

I agree with our host about many Africans being "unemployable in a modern economy." But I'm not sure it's "because they didn't have the educational background and skills required to function in it." Also apartheid ended about 30 years ago, so if was racial oppression decades ago, well, that doesn't affect children born in the last 20 years.

We can probably agree that you need a certain amount of intelligence to be employable in a modern economy. Let's put the arbitrary cutoff at, say, IQ 75. Then we can look at this chart and reach the more likely conclusion (that nobody in the west wants to discuss publicly for the reasons we all know): https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/average-iq-by-country

Even in a modern economy, someone needs to chop wood, draw water, and muck stables. Let's not forget that's honorable work.