Tuesday, October 24, 2023

When crises collide, what happens next?


There are so many crisis points worldwide at the moment that there's no predicting what might happen next.  A development in one crisis may precipitate developments in another - or even a new crisis to add to those already on our plate.

Axios identifies five current crises:

  1. Israel's response to the Hamas terrorist attack, and growing fear of a spreading war that reaches to Iran and beyond.
  2. Vladimir Putin meeting in China this week with Xi Jinping to further strengthen their anti-America alliance.
  3. A malicious Iran.
  4. North Korea's frequent testing of long-range, nuclear-capable missiles.
  5. "A new weapon is being deployed in all these conflicts: a massive spread of doctored or wholly fake videos to manipulate what people see and think in real time."
It worries about what might happen next.

Never before have we talked to so many top government officials who, in private, are so worried about so many overseas conflicts at once.

Why it matters: We don't like to sound dire. But to sound a siren of clinical, clear-eyed realism: U.S. officials say this confluence of crises poses epic concern and historic danger.

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Not one of the crises can be solved and checked off. All five could spiral into something much bigger.

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These simultaneous threats are hitting at the very moment the American political system seems — and sometimes is — literally broken.

  • It's not just that Republicans don't have a House speaker and can't seem to elect one, or that we might shut down the government in the middle of this mess, or that we're hurtling toward another toxic presidential election in which big chunks of both parties want different candidates.
  • Former top intelligence officials tell us domestic unrest is one of their biggest fears — whether it's triggered by court rulings against former President Trump or protests over war in the Middle East. Biden allies frame these flare-ups as a reminder that global chaos requires calm and experience. "With age comes wisdom," Ron Klain, Biden's first chief of staff, told us.

But there has been a total collapse of people's trust in the opposing party, the media, what they see or share on social platforms, and even the top-secret intelligence the government relies on to measure these threats.

  • This, as much as the five individual threats above, is what worries officials. They know things could get worse — fast — and require tough actions — fast. And no one knows whether Congress or the public could unite in an emergency.

There's more at the link.

I think those five crises are too narrowly tailored, and ignore a number of other crises that are imminent, such as:

  • The US deficit is out of control, growing by about $2 trillion over the past year alone.  Effectively, we're having to borrow more than $166 billion every month just to fund our current expenditure.  How could we afford a war on top of that?
  • The migration surge across our southern border is completely out of control, and is putting immense strain on not just our financial, but also our social fabric.  If foreign crises take up too much attention, the situation could get much worse, very quickly.  Who will deal with it?
  • The ongoing conflict between progressive-left statists and conservative constitutionalists.  If a war demands immediate and urgent attention, will it also lead to a crackdown against internal opposition, a disregard for constitutional norms?  It's happened before, and could easily happen again.
There are many others I could cite, but you get the idea.

As a nation in an unstable world, we're balanced on a knife-edge right now.  Things could very easily tip out of control.  For those so inclined, I strongly urge prayer for peace and stability.  For all of us, people of faith or otherwise, I strongly suggest preparing for what may lie ahead, as best we can.



Bob Gibson said...

Not to mention Red China rattling sabers in the West Taiwan Sea . . .

Anonymous said...

Forgive me for this comment from Great White North but how relevant is your House of Representatives. Supposedly it is not functioning due to the drama over the Speakership but the world seems to carrying on. Which shows how little influence the 'people' have. Perhaps if the plane hadn't crashed in the fields of Pennsylvania a message might have been taken by the elected.

boron said...

I see only one:
# 5 from Axios
The public ('s opinion) is deliberately being led astray by the media:
the blogs have beconme our only source of news.

Gerry said...

Former top intelligence officials tell us ....
Sorry but former intelligence officials said there was Trump - Russian collusion. Wrong about that and many other things.

The US military can only fight a major conflict on a single front these days. JCOS testified that before Congress early in the Biden administration and IMHO could only do that for a short period of time,

Pick your war carefully

Hugh Zonferst said...

How likely is "domestic unrest....triggered by court rulings against former President Trump", really? We've already had the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago, several Trump indictments, and a gag order against him, and none of these things triggered any noticeable civil unrest. Trump used to have fervent support, but maybe most people have moved on. It doesn't seem likely that even sending to him to prison would produce a violent reaction.

Xoph said...

Our pResident is senile and can barely walk or read a teleprompter. I don't know who is in charge, but all of this is deliberate. The fact that none of the states are saying no and the scale of cheating in the 2020 election, the contamination of the Vaxx (not to mention ~80% of the RNA sequences mimic human DNA so it teaches the T cells to attack healthy cells creating myocarditis and other aliments) shows the problem is not just Federal, but state as well.

We are not on a knifes edge, we have fallen over the cliff but the wind is not yet whistling in our ears.

I don't think Russia wants a confrontation with the US or we would have had it by now. But lets say China wants to fight, very easy to knock out the power grid with a few snipers moving rapidly in vehicles shooting the right things (I was a plant operator, I know but won't say). Our natural gas and gasoline infrastructure also have vulnerabilities easily compromised. And China could just embargo us. Look at how much stuff in the store in made in China or countries likely to be under Chinese influence. What happens if they call the debt they hold? How do you think the corrupt administration would pay? (Here is the states of Alaska and Wyoming would be my guess.) The point is we have significant vulnerabilities and have not been doing the work to make them anti-fragile. Additionally we have let too much core manufacturing go overseas.

The thing is - look at how we ramped up manufacturing during WWII. This country has tremendous resources. We just have to root out the real enemy and get to work rebuilding our country and follow the Founding Father's advice - avoid foreign entanglements.

Anonymous said...

It is already past the point of no return. Our government is non-functional and the current state of thinks cannot continue. We are on the brink of negative change that cannot be stopped. Good luck to all, even the prepared will have a hard time surviving this one we are headed a long dark night.

Anonymous said...

Well...you being a Roman Catholic, you are according to my worldview not Christian. Neither am I to yours, and thank you for not burning me to death for the time being, or doing a Bartholomew's Day 2. So glad if we could skip the Thirty Year's War too. However, there are so many differences amongst even us so-called Christians that an honest investigator may end up in a hard corner, with sovereign grace, supralapsarianism, dispensationalism, and pretribulationalist premillenialism. Add in some KJV as the English Bibleism, at the leat as Masoretic RT ism.......I have a small ice floe. But was that not the precise position foretold?

Narrow is the Way....Test your ground. If it does not hold, find better, and test it again. And then test it again. And then test it again. Soon you will find the tests find you, and the only ground you have is where you are. And then test it again. Then, you may find, you are on the only ground. Don't burn people to get this far. They will burn you. Or maybe crucify you.

Will said...

I suspect that what really keeps China from getting too crazy is the fact that a single hit on the 3 Gorges Dam would destroy ~2/3rds of China. Frankly, i think they were amazingly stupid to have built that thing...

lynn said...

Conflicts over resources is coming to the USA. Food, energy, etc.

Anonymous said...

"With age comes wisdom."

Also dementia . . .