Sunday, October 1, 2023

Sunday morning music


Growing up many thousands of miles from North America, I wasn't exposed to most of the songs, movies and other things with which children in this part of the world grew up.  I still take delight in occasionally finding something for kids that really captures my imagination, or makes me wish I could enjoy it the way local kids do.

One such moment came on Friday, when Toni Weisskopf (editor of Baen Books) posted this instrumental piece on MeWe.  It's by a Canadian singer calling himself Raffi, who's performed for children for decades.  I'd never heard of him before.  Like Toni, I found this piece charming.  It's called "Water Dance".

Intrigued, I looked for more information about Raffi, and found an article about him on Wikipedia.  YouTube hosts his channel, from which I picked three more songs showing kids enjoying him and his music.

That was a fun discovery.  I may have come to Raffi's children's music much later in life than most, but I can still enjoy it.



NobobyExpects said...

At last, the inspiration for this Simpsons character was found.

Anonymous said...

An audience of sweet and innocent children enjoying a simple pleasure like singalong music.

Darn, I got something in my eyes.

Hamsterman said...

I remember buying "Baby Beluga" on Amazon along with a number of other purchases. Another kid's parent then went to buy it, and when they selected that CD, they got "Other people who purchased this item also purchased..." the kitchen knife set we just bought.