Monday, October 16, 2023

Memes that made me laugh 181


Gathered from around the Internet over the past week.  Click any image for a larger view.

More next week.



Bob Gibson said...

When a six foot-long eel sinks its teeth in your heel, that's a Moray.

Jack Ward said...

I finished Dorothy's Dust novel a week or two ago. Left 5 stars of course. She hit another out of the park. Please beg her to make this a series. A long one. And, may her writing buzz along like Declan Finn's. I'm sure Finn never sleeps.

E. C. said...

My brother the engineer, who inflicts bad puns upon us all regularly, will definitely appreciate the enlightening escalator signage.

Anonymous said...

A broken escalator is just a set of stairs.

1LLoyd said...

The Lady of the Lake made me laugh out loud. There comes a time to be serious. ;)


If you see a big eel, and his teeth are like steel, that's a moray.

If he's big and he's green, and he's long and he's mean, that's a moray.

There's another one but I can't remember it.

Ron said...

Found the original here:

(Italian accordion music and the sound of SCUBA in background.)

If you see a big eel,
and his teeth are like steel,
That's a Moray. (A Moray!)

If he's big and he's mean
and he's slimy and green,
That's a Moray. (A Moray)

(Chorus) If he slices the hose,
and then leaves you to doze,
That's a Moray!
A Moraaaaaaaaaaaayyyy!
A Moray.

When he's fanning his gills,
Better head for the hills,
That's a Moray. (A Moray!)

From a hole in the reef,
He will bring you much grief,
That's a Moray. (A Moray!)

(Chorus) If he slices the hose,
and then leaves you to doze,
That's a Moray!
A Moraaaaaaaaaaaayyyy!
A Moray.