Friday, June 7, 2024

Boys and their toys, wheels edition


I couldn't help laughing at this headline.

Mechanic builds record-breaking 50mph wheelbarrow

Dylan Phillips ... has just set a Guinness World Record for the fastest wheelbarrow after clocking speeds of 52mph (84km/h) during Straightliners Speed Week 2024 at Elvington Airfield in Yorkshire. 

He built the motorised contraption in his shed in Crymych, Pembrokeshire, and, when push came to shovel, smashed the previous record of 46mph (74km/h).

The 38-year-old said it felt "fun and surreal".

There's more at the link.

Having observed several building sites where records might have been set for the world's slowest wheelbarrow (or wheelbarrow operator), this one definitely made me chortle.  I wonder what builders' trades unions might have to say about that?  And I wonder how tightly it can corner?



Ritchie said...

Now he has a fund of knowledge he can apply to his wheelchair.

Anonymous said...

Make an electric one. No problem about a 40+ Kw bike wheel-see aliexpress issue of course is some form of steering control.

Looking at the photo - the bit after the front wheel under then under the bin is that a gyroscope with I*omega^2 with omega=big

Bob C. said...

Regarding autonomous killing machines, 2 stories I recall, both published in the '60s (before the required tech was even remotely possible), seem appropriate to mention; I'm sure there are many more, given the subject:

"Gottlos" by Colin Kapp
"Watchbird" by Robert Sheckley

The warnings of SF anticipate reality yet again...😒🤢🤢

HMS Defiant said...

Put some wings on it and it would easily be one of the first flying wheelbarrows.

Anonymous said...

Richie, that's the risk that comes with--well, risks, sometimes. I have a leg full of steel from a bike wreck, & that knee doesn't work; I spent quite a bit of time in wheelchairs, & still have to from time to time.
Of course, I now have 3 more bikes than I owned at the time of the wreck. I'm still going.
--Tennessee Budd

Anonymous said...

haven't you heard the expression "Shop fast while the shops last"? He can do his shopping and get home in no time flat in that contraption. >};o)

Phil B

Aesop said...

"Fastest Wheelbarrow"???

That's either Not So, or Not So For Long.

Allow me to introduce anyone unfamiliar with genius-level lifework of Colin Furze:


He got his jet bicycle up to 50MPH before he melted the tires.

He got a baby stroller up to 53MPH.

A jet-powered go-cart that hit 60mph.

He got a mobility scooter up to 71MPH.

I'm betting he could crush that "world record" in a couple of hours of tinkering, on a Saturday.

He should either be in a mental hospital, or have his own weekly cable show, with a budget close to unlimited.