Thursday, June 13, 2024

Quote of the day


From Sgt. Mom at Chicago Boyz, writing about "the LGBT-BLT lifestyle":

It used to be said that it was the love that dare not speak its name, now it’s the love that never shuts up.

Word (or words!).



Anonymous said...

Spiritually speaking, it is not love, it us lust.
Psychologically speaking, it is mental disorder that was removed from the DSM by threats and political pressure. Removal doesn't make it normal.
Politically speaking, I wish they would shut up, but realize they occupy a position that the political elites and MSM find useful.

Lord of the Fleas said...

More like the perversion that never shuts up. But yeah...

Old NFO said...

Good point, and yes, way too 'noisy'...

Anonymous said...

Read: 'How I survived being gay'. Contemplate that many of these people work in restaraunt/food service type places. Can people that eat feces be expected to engage in sanitary food handling proceedures? Shigella anyone.

Anonymous said...

It's narcissistic lust; lusting after their own image.

Anonymous said...

I've been using a similar line in conversation with my spouse for about a year, except that the last half has morphed into "won't shut the eff up about itself and demands we celebrate and deify it."