Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Checking in


Got the stent out yesterday morning - then spent most of the rest of the day sitting or lying down, nursing a very achy abdomen.  Not fun.  Not fun at all.  To make matters worse, my waterworks (for want of a better term) have for two months been effectively prevented from functioning normally by stents, so that the flow has been unimpeded by internal valves, controls and whatsits.  Now that the stent is gone, they aren't sure how to function, and will have to get used to controlling things again.  This is all very well, but for the fact that I don't want to find myself dripping down the supermarket aisle!  Protective measures will be required for at least a few days.

Other than that, dearest wife returned safely late yesterday after driving to Chattanooga, TN and back for last weekend's LibertyCon.  From what she's said so far, it looks like a good time was had by all.  I wish I'd been able to be there, but unfortunately my kidney had other ideas.  Here's hoping for next year!  (You can read Old NFO's description of the con here.)

I'm going to take it gently (and gingerly!) this morning.  I'll try to post something later.



Paul said...

Glad things are progressing as well as can be expected.

tweell said...

Praying that you continue to improve, Peter. Don't worry about providing free virtual ice cream, take care of yourself.

Sherm said...

One, generally, unmentioned problem is that once you think you've got things under control, you'll have a coughing fit and discover it ain't quite so. Not terribly amusing in mixed company but something you can joke about in private with fellow sufferers.

boron said...

problem ain't the supermarket aisle, it's the carpets at home; th OL does the shopping.
I found shortly after decatheterization (is there such a word?), I had to make a mad dash right at the first sign; now I can walk more slowly, but still can't put it off for a bit as I used to.

LL said...

Don't rush recovery. People have told me that and I disregarded them because I wanted to get back to normal. Hopefully the new normal will be as good as the old normal.

Old NFO said...

That's good news Peter! And yes, relearning IS required!

Jen said...

Glad you're on the mend. Take your time, get some adult pull-ups, and don't worry about it.

John T. Block said...

Take care of your water-works, Peter. We'll be here when you're squared away...

Howard Brewi said...

I spent a month in the hospital recovering from a stroke. They had me on a condom catheter which requires you to just let the pee to go. A month home and I’m just getting some control back!

Mikey said...

I've had over 30 kidney stones. Much empathy here but I know you will get past this. I'm not a doctor and I don't give medical advice but I will tell you that since I started taking vitamin D3 daily I stopped getting stones.

Aesop said...

It gets better.

"Endeavor to persevere."