Monday, June 10, 2024

State of the nation?


According to Stephan Pastis, this might be it.  Click the image to be taken to a larger version at the comic's Web page.

"Peace Dove" . . . one wonders whether that will end up being used as the name of the latest FPV attack drone!



Javahead said...

It's not quite - yet - to the situation in Kansas and Missouri just before the Civil War, but it edges ever closer.

And the unwillingness of the left to accept anything other than total acceptance and agreement with their goals doesn't leave much room for anything approaching a compromise.

Nor does their flagrant lawfare and election corruption trying to prevent anything like an honest vote.

There are times I strongly disagree with some Conservative canditates on specific issues, but I generally respect their positions and beliefs. I can't say the same for any current Dem candidate, or imagine voting for them under any imaginable circumstances - about the last one I respected enough to possibly consider it was Joe Lieberman, if he'd been running against an "official" Dem candidate.

Anonymous said...

Ah, a Roman peace dove. 'They make a desolation, and call it peace.'

Old NFO said...


Anonymous said...

It highlights something I've noticed has changed subtly but significantly in the last many years - language. What used to be aeuphamism or salesman-speak is the norm now. Every sentence has to be fissected for hidden meaning, amd words are inverted (ala Orwell). The Dept of Justice? They persecute political opponents? Homeland Security is anything but. Patriot act that enables spying on, patriots.
Or Peace Doves that drop hand grenades.
It has become Orwells inversion.

McChuck said...

"Peace is our profession."

NobobyExpects said...

"War is just a hobby."