Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Another treatment day


Regular readers will recall that a month or so back, I underwent yet another surgical procedure for my kidney problems.  It's time to take out the stent and check on progress, so this morning I'm off to DFW to let the doctors and nurses do their thing.

I'm not sure what they propose to do to get the stent out.  I'm used to cords being tied to the darn thing, so it can be pulled out, slowly and (preferably) gently.  (It's not fun!)  However, this time there were no cords in sight.  Apparently this is a new variety of stent that's supposed to be pulled out "electromagnetically".  It seems the nice nurse (or doctor) waves a magnet in the general vicinity of one's nether regions, which somehow magically lines up the stent with the necessary tubes and pulls it out of the body.  I'm a little leery of having anything waved around there, let alone electromagnetism, but I'm assured it's the latest and greatest thing.  Watch this space for details!

If all looks good, I'll be scheduled for another CT scan early in the New Year.  If that shows clear, all well and good:  if not, further procedures will be necessary.  After all this time, and four procedures in the space of a year, I might just tell them to take out the darn kidney and be done with it.  This wears you down, I'm here to tell you!

Anyway, I'll be grateful, as usual, for prayers for traveling safety, there and back, and for guidance for the nice medical team.  I'm not sure how one prays for electromagnetic efficacy, particularly in that region of the body:  but if you can figure that one out, let us know in Comments!



Trafficus said...

When they wave the thing around, you make sure you blurt out "abracadabra!" The opportunity is just too good to pass. :-)

gwalchmai munn said...

Good luck, man! What happens if you stand near a strong magnet? It'd scare me. ;)

Anonymous said...

Mr Peter

If I may, I suggest that G-d use the entire medical team to Honor, Glorify, and Magnify Him. I believe that pretty much covers every area of concern.

I will do that for you and for strength and comfort for the Mrs as well.

Looking forward to a successful outcome.


Mikey said...

I actually believe that people who figure out some way to reduce trauma in medical procedures are doing the Lords work. Having said that, I've suffered over 30 kidney stones in my life. I'm not pretending to pass out medical advice but when I started taking an over the counter generic vitamin D3 gel cap every day on the advice of my Nephrologist the stones stopped. Have not had one in 5 years and it's been bliss. I'll add you to my ever growing prayer list.

Grog said...

Thankfully, I was not drinking anything when I was reading your comment, that is epic.

Anonymous said...

I also had a stent in place for a kidney problem. There was no cord or electromagnet. They had to go up the pipe with a grabber to remove it. The nurse ripped that thing out like she was starting a chainsaw. Uncomfortable but mercifully quick.


Anonymous said...

Will say a prayer for you, may the great Physician watch over you and heal you.

Tree Mike said...

"Procedures" are never fun. Plenty of times, they can be "not bad", so lets aim for that. I'll certainly be sending a prayer, but I believe the Lord looks after us semi automatically. Which, to me, explains why things aren't so much worse.

Old NFO said...

Prayers as always.

Chris Nelson said...

Just don't get a MRI before you have the darn thing removed...

Dan said...

If you can keep the kidney do so, you are only issued two and if you have one yanked you have no "back up". Remember....two is one and one is none. You do NOT want to end up with no working kidney and need dialysis.

LL said...

A magnet on your schwanz. That must be special.

Hamsterman said...

Good luck. That sounds...uncomfortable. Still, magnets seem an awful lot cooler than pulling on a string, and would also allow it to back up a little if needed. You can't push a rope.

Peter said...

I'm more worried if someone yells "Expelliarmus!" Some things should not be expelled quite so violently, methinks . . .

JohninMd(HALP!) said...

Father Yahweh, watch over Your servant Peter in his medical treatments, guide the hands and magnets of the Medics in his care, that he may continue to serve You in his sojurn on this earth. Ease the burden if it be your Will, and support his and his wife's Spirit as they live their Service, in Your mighty Name and that of Your Son, Yeshiva, our Messiah who saved us and gave us a chance by dying on the stake to live with You forever in Your Kingdom! AMEN!!