The short version, courtesy of Wall Street Apes on X (click the image for a larger view):
The inquiry:
How on earth can any immigration official expect to get away with this sort of corruption? She was aware of this happening 3,200 times, and still turned a blind eye???
One hopes President Trump's reform of the Executive Branch will include prosecutions and jail time for those guilty of such crimes.
Your reaction to this shows how much of MAGAtard peasant you are. Are so dumb and ignorant that you don't know that crime isn't illegal when a demonrat is the one committing it?
And they did it because they knew they would get away with it, because it was with the approval of their superiors. They were probably promoted for it as well.
You don't need to call me when one of them gets punished,. because I'll hear it 24x7 on the MSM, shrieking about the "unfairness".
So who is she? Name names !! Otherwise it's just a bunch of idle chatter.
A great many laws have been ignored by the current administration, makes things easier I'm guessing.
Black Lives Matter has threatened widespread riots in major U.S. cities if Daniel Penny is acquitted.
Donald trump needs to declare Antifa and BLM as domestic enemies / terror organizations.if they dare to carry out that threat!
They claim that the riots will be held in leftist run cities. Conservative towns will not put up with such crap to allow mostly peaceful rioting to go on
2020 will NOT be repeated just because BLM didn't get their way in the Daniel Penny trial.
A A A N NN D DD DD nothing will be done about it.
I agree that someone--probably many someones--should go to jail. That said, I would bet a year's salary that nothing much will happen. A couple of demotions and/or transfers then, when things quiet down, the offenders will return to their lofty perches. Some will quietly retire with full pensions and benefits. A few will join liberal "think tanks" and pontificate about immigration until the smoke clears. Hope I'm wrong, but I doubt it.
These congressional TV expos we see are like that line from Shakespeare "... full of sound and fury yet signifying nothing." I'll believe something happens when I see it.
Jail? Naah. Exile them. Preferably to Haiti..
He will not need to call you because punishment will not be meted out.
Imperative to take away their anonymity.
Every person, if you check your SS number each year might notice it doesn't match your records. Why? Because an illegal who working in a chicken plant or somewhere where they have to have a social security number so if they have yours it going into your account. How? In every large city there is a house with printing machines. Ours, in Austin, Tx., had a large permanent flea market outside of town. Little bldg in back and illegals would line up, go in, come out other door with a social security card and all necessary doc's he needed. Sure the police knew about it and they diligently make a raid every 6 months and it was back in business the next weekend. I called on a SS number that was in my file and found out my 36 year old male was actually an 54 year old woman. So as long as he was using that card she was getting her earning bumped up. Happened all the time.
There was a day when a despicable low-life like this were just hauled outside to the nearest tree and hung.
Does this rise to treason?
There aren't enough honest courts left to prosecute all those so obviously guilty of major crimes ... such as treason, malfeasance, sedition. But the other courts will be used to tie up the Trump administration for the duration of his tenure.
These people do this because they know absolutely nothing will happen to them. It's that simple. The RINOs coming in too power will not say a word about this treasonous conduct and they will sure as hell not hold anyone accountable.
If indictments and prosecutions en masse aren't occurring by Day Two, it's all just chatter.
At that point, take appropriate action for your future well-being, because YOYO, and anyone telling you different is smoking hopeium and farting HappyGas.
The whole current government with the exception of maybe 5% has committed treason by bypassing our laws for their criminal agendas, and need judgement, TCK, so look in a mirror for the problem.
Just remember how obama made this possible: when his administration was at to expand Social Security with a new numbering scheme (as the old nine digit model was about to restart), they decided that instead of adding the alphabet to the numerals (which would have lasted about 200-300 years), they decided to let it restart and issue of numbers.
Look it up.
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