Tuesday, January 21, 2025

I wasn't aware this world record existed...


... and I'm relatively certain that if it didn't, we'd be no worse off.  Be that as it may:

Turkish woman establishes world record for watermelons crushed with thighs

A Turkish woman who squashed five watermelons within a 60-second timeframe, using only her thighs, has set a world record ... She is handed a plaque and told she is "officially amazing," becoming the first person to earn the distinction of using the thighs to smash the most watermelons in 60 seconds, in the female category.

There's more at the link.  Here's a video clip of her record-setting performance.

I'm glad her efforts were fruitful, so to speak . . . but if she'd failed, would she have been melon-choly over it?



Trumpeter said...

I could beat that. She is using non-standard watermelons breed for thin rinds. The EU standards commissioner has issued REQUIREMENTS for size, shape and rind thickness. Until this test is repeated using certified EU approved watermelons it is meaningless.
Sarc off.

michigan doug said...

Her nickname is skullcrusher.

audeojude said...

I'm speechless. sigh....

Francis Turner said...

Is reminded of the James Bond villainess Xenia Onatopp in Goldeneye

JoshO said...

This is way more important than most of the documented h1b visa jobs

Antibubba said...

World records don't pay the bills. She needs to sell those crushed fruits to adoring men on an OnlyFans page.