Monday, February 7, 2022

Memes that made me laugh 95


Gathered around the Internet over the past week.  Click any image for a larger view.

More next week.



jen said...

Love these, thank you!😃

Philip Sells said...

I saw that Entertaining Cheese signage at one of the local stores; can't remember which. Might have been Hannaford. But I thought something similar right off the bat - oh, cheese that's entertaining, as opposed to the usual boring cheese, is that it? (I like cheese, by the way.) I didn't expect to see any line dances or skits or anything, but it certainly was a curious choice of words. :)

AuricTech Shipyards said...

Here's Pinky with some entertaining cheeses:

Mauser said...

Hehe! I'm glad I made your list. ("No! Not like that!!!")