Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Spare a prayer for fellow blogger Stilton Jarlsberg and his wife


I'm sure many of my readers are familiar with the blog of "Stilton Jarlsberg", who sheds illuminating (and very amusing) light on current events.

Sadly, events in his life are anything but amusing right now.  His wife has been battling with cancer for a long time, and it looks like her options for further treatment have run out.  She's been admitted to a hospice for end-of-life care, and now it's just a matter of time.

Stilton's written about it in two moving blog posts:

Hard Times


He's trying to look on the lighter side as best he can, but it goes without saying that this is a huge burden for him and his wife, as it would be for any couple who've loved each other and lived together for that long.

Please spare a prayer for Stilton and his wife.  It's the final stage in their journey together, and I know it must be breaking his heart.  If you'd like to leave a comment at his blog, I don't know when he might be able to read it, but I'm sure he'll appreciate the support.



Greg said...

Even with his comment threads exploding in numbers, Stilton reads them all, and inserts his own replies occasionally. He has also posted a number of updates within the comment thread, and fortunately he's in a different font (at least on my browser), so it's worth scrolling through to get his latest reports.
A good hospice nurse can be an angel in disguise. We hope he can connect with at least one of them.

Ed Bonderenka said...

Father, please help this guy and his wife in this, their time of need.

Sarah Elizabeth said...
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