Thursday, October 3, 2024

If you want to be infuriated...


... take a look at the CBP One app being circulated by the Biden administrators to would-be "refugees" and "migrants".  Literally, within five minutes, with no ID, background information or verification of anything, they can set up an appointment at a border station to be processed into the USA as a refugee with an open timeline for their stay, and given access to thousands of dollars worth of government assistance from Day 1.  It's all paid for by you and I, American taxpayers.

Click here to watch and listen to the whole thing.  The video's less than two minutes long.

As a legal immigrant, having paid thousands of dollars, jumped through all sorts of bureaucratic hoops, and waited years to get first my green card, and then my US citizenship, this is utterly infuriating!  Why did I waste all that time and money when I could have spent nothing at all, and bypassed all those lines and waiting periods?



Anonymous said...

Your the wrong color, you have been turned back at the border.


Anonymous said...

Watching that video, I am afraid I had an idea.... what if millions of us deplorables downloaded the app, set up fake accounts could we crash the system?

Grog said...

You followed the rules because you have Integrity, if you had done what so many are now doing you would not be the Man you are.

Anonymous said...

Just guessing but probably a number of citizens who tried would be charged with interfering with government operations, falsifying documents, giving false testimony, cyber crimes of various natures, and generally just being a meanie. All of the preceding list being felonies subject to 10 years and ten thousand dollar fines except for the last. Oh yeah, and who ever came up with the idea might be charged with domestic terrorism, and on and on.

Dan said...

The criminals in power do this because they can. And they will not stop until they are stopped..... by physical force. Violence is the ONLY language they will respect or listen to. It's way past time we started speaking to them in that language. Nothing else will have any effect on the problem.