Wednesday, October 16, 2024

It might work...


Stephan Pastis offers a potential solution to the rabid partisanship bedeviling American politics.  Click the image to be taken to a larger view at the "Pearls Before Swine" Web page.

That reminds me of our situation in South Africa in the early 1990's, when rabid radicals on both ends of the political spectrum were attacking and killing each other with diabolical enthusiasm.  Many of us thought that establishing two more bantustans or "homelands", in the style of the old apartheid system, would be an optimal solution.  They'd be right next door to each other.  One would be designated for racists and white supremacists;  the other for black power and communist/terrorist supporters.  Fences would separate them from the rest of the country, but there'd be no barrier between them at all.  While the fanatics of both sides went about killing each other, the rest of us could get on with ending the conflict and restoring democracy.  When everything had been sorted out, we'd let the survivors (if any) out of their "homelands" to rejoin civilization.

It never happened, but we had longing thoughts about it . . . as I'm sure many Americans are about our own homegrown extremists today.



McChuck said...

The problem is, the "Far right", as currently defined by all good-thinking Leftists, is about half the population of traditional Americans.

Paul said...

We are a Republic. Democracy is one of the shortest lived systems in existence.

Anonymous said...

Great comic, thanks for the laugh.

Akpual said...
