Monday, October 14, 2024

Memes that made me laugh 231


Gathered from around the Internet over the past week.  Click any image for a larger view.

More next week.



Bob Gibson said...

Mmmmmmm . . . Haggis . . .

jed said...

Beethoven put cannon in "Wellington's Victory".

0007 said...

#1 should have bacon drippings and lard next to the butter, heh.

Anonymous said...

Apparently the Mt Etna thing is untrue, but climate "science" is still concentrated essence of bullshit. Pardon my french. CO2 levels have been orders of magnitude higher in the past, and life thrived.

SiGraybeard said...

Unusual reaction to number one. The problem with Crisco vs butter isn't the large number of steps to purify the oil they process out of those soybeans, the problem is the oil they're getting. Purification is good, and all those steps are purifying the oil. The problem is that polyunsaturated fats, by definition, have several unsaturated chemical bonds in each molecule, and those are easy places for other chemicals to attack the fat and make it poisonous.

And all that goes back to the myth that saturated fats, like in butter, or some of the fats in beef, are dangerous. The beef, butter or, yes, bacon drippings are far less likely to be made poisonous than the soybean oil.