Tuesday, November 26, 2024

To mask the murder, deny that it's murder


France's media regulation authority has just come up with a masterpiece of doublespeak.

In February 2024, presenter Aymeric Pourbaix, during the Catholic programme “En quête d’esprit,” broadcast every Sunday on the conservative channel CNews, showed an infographic on the causes of death, ranking abortion as the leading cause, with 73 million deaths each year worldwide. That translates to 52% of annual deaths, far ahead of cancer (10 million) and smoking (6.2 million).

The journalist’s comments sparked a wave of indignation in the mainstream press, on the grounds that abortion cannot be considered a “cause of death” because the foetus should not be considered a living being.

. . .

After several months of proceedings, the French media regulatory authority Arcom has fined CNews €100,000 for this episode. According to Arcom, the broadcaster failed in its “obligation of honesty and rigour in the presentation and processing of information.”

In the weekly magazine Valeurs Actuelles, Jean-Marie Le Méné, head of the Fondation Jérôme Lejeune, denounced the totalitarian nature of this decision, which proves the denial of reality that surrounds the practice of abortion in France:

Arcom writes: “Abortion cannot be presented as a cause of death.” Equating an aborted child with a dead person would make abortion a homicidal act. So that abortion can be carried out with a clear conscience, it is forbidden to say that abortion takes away life. Otherwise the keystone of the system collapses. But who believes this fiction?

He adds: “Abortion, the leading cause of death in the world, is unfortunately a fact, not an opinion.”

There's more at the link.

When I read that, I couldn't believe my eyes for a moment.  If abortion is not the killing of a human life, what is it?  No logical, rational person can deny that if the foetus/embryo/call-it-what-you-will is left alone to develop normally, a human being will arrive on the scene approximately nine months after conception.  It's mentally, logically and rationally impossible to pinpoint a single moment when the contents of the womb cease being "not-a-human-life" and become "a-human-life".  That being the case, one has to accept that the contents of the womb are human, regardless of the state of gestation, and that killing them is therefore to kill a human being.  Anything else is simply dishonest.

For a bureaucrat to split hairs like that is mind-bogglingly stupid, as well as plain downright evil.  Think about it.  If the contents of the womb are not human because they're not viable on their own (yet), then a person with severe mental or physical disability is also not human because he or she is also not viable on his/her own.  Does that mean we can casually kill them out of hand?  Sadly, there are those who would argue for that . . .  I wonder if they'll argue for it quite so vehemently when they grow old, and are no longer able to fully care for themselves, and the society they have warped and twisted through their arguments turns on them?

May Almighty God have mercy on us.  We're going to need it.



Texas Dan said...

73 million? Ghastly, but makes you understand why they think the million or so killed in Ukraine so far is chump change. We do indeed need God's mercy.

Anonymous said...

Abortion : an elective surgery chosen to remove the fetus from its natural home so that it can no longer survive. Two heartbeats enter the room - only one leaves.

My main objection with Pro-Choice side is that there are not any choices. That choice is to 'humanely' destroy the fetus. No effort to adopt it to a family who want the child at all. Perhaps a family member who want and can afford to take care of that child.

Women who carry their child to term and make the effort to give their child life are heroes. Every one of them. They chose the Hard Road and I hope these women feel comfort that they did not choose to delete their baby, but chose to give them life.

Eaton Rapids Joe said...

If I pull an egg out of a wild duck's nest and shake it I will be prosecuted for killing an animal that is covered by the U.S. Migratory Species Act.

A duck.

A duck's egg...

...gets more protection than an as-yet unborn human.

Anonymous said...

“Anything else is simply dishonest.” You mean Evil…

Anonymous said...

That may depend on where you are. In my part of the US, there are private groups that offer to help mothers who do not want their unborn children. They provide financial and other assistance, and try to find adoptive parents. Unfortunately, a lot of federal and state regulations make adopting a child very, very difficult. There are ways around the rules, such as gift children, but going through the legal process is often expensive and frustrating. If we as a country could fix that, it would go a very long way toward making abortion less attractive for some. For others? It's a lifestyle choice. Why bother with protection or abstaining when there's the morning after pill, or "reproductive rights" clinics?


KevinM said...

"A duck's egg...

...gets more protection than an as-yet unborn human" Really did not know that but will believe it 100% these days.The human life can be worth a pair of sneakers in some cities.

Judy said...

If that 'clump of cells' isn't human, then what is it?  The original components came from two humans; it sits in a human womb, fed with material floating around in human blood that was put there by the process of human digestion.  But it's not a human?  Somebody please enlighten this working-class peasant?

HMS Defiant said...

It was Judge Learned Hand but it is still germane today, "The truth lies in the facts." The French and our own judicial system seem to have lost all sight of this and pretend really really hard that this is not so and will go way out of their way to suppress or ignore any facts they don't like.

Anonymous said...

If killing by abortion is not murder, why is killing a women who is pregnant considered a double homicide in…how many states? I wonder if France has this same law/practice.

JohninMd(HALP!) said...

The Wold in general, and America in particular, making up stupid crap like this should tremble in fear, with the knowledge that Yahuweh is Just!

Anonymous said...

You are observing their mental gymnastics colliding with the 2x4 of reality.
The money quote is at the end: “Abortion cannot be presented as a cause of death.” Equating an aborted child with a dead person would make abortion a homicidal act. So that abortion can be carried out with a clear conscience, it is forbidden to say that abortion takes away life."

They're evil, and wrong. They know they are evil, and wrong. But they will do these mental gymnastics so that they do not feel bad for their obvious crimes against humanity.

I've often wondered how it is they get medically trained doctors to perform abortions, especially the later the term. They know very well they are chopping up a healthy human being and shop-vac'ing it out of the mother. How could you possibly sleep at night, or live with yourself, after doing something like that once, nevermind thousands of times....
I couldn't.
They can't either... so they lie to themselves, convince themselves that 'its just a clump of cells', and their mental-midget minds allow the endocrine system to let them feel good again.
That's why they have to defend it! The last sentence proves it: Otherwise the keystone of the system collapses.

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha, Maff is rayciss, LOL!
Often wondered that myself. The ability to create your own cognitive dissonance is fascinating. It's one life, it's two lives, it's not alive, it is alive.
Same reason inanimate objects like guns get blamed for the actions of the person wielding them.
They're simply retarded.

Anonymous said...

Life start a the exact moment of conception and that's it. Note that your dead sentence is pronouced at the same moment, after that it's the Great Lottery.