Thursday, January 8, 2009

I'm shocked, again!

Following yesterday's post about a man peeing on an electrified fence, I had a couple of e-mails from friends, linking to videos with more shocking fun. Here they are!

First, a man tries to pee on the fence at Mont-Joli Airport, Quebec, Canada.

Then, an amorous pig finds that an electric fence can lead to the ultimate in coitus interruptus.



Anonymous said...

Yeeow! Poor pig. Talk about being put of your stroke. :P

OldCop said...

Damn that's funny, but you're not right! ;-)

Old NFO said...

Hoo boy... one gets frozen in a sensitive spot, one gets lit up :-) Better them than me, glad I'm an old fart, the fences I pissed on were too far out in the country to be electrified :-)