Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Larry Correia on Presidential elections after the Chevron decision


In his usual famously polite, delicate, shy and retiring way, author and friend Larry Correia points out what's needed after the Chevron precedent was overturned.  I've edited it for language (this being a family-friendly blog), but if you want the unexpurgated original, it's at the link.

In honor of today's argument about Chevron, here's my proposal for a new government agency that I wrote on here years ago. The Department of **** Your Job Security. :D 


We need somebody who actively HATES the government to run it.

If I was President (ha!) I would only create a single new executive branch entity. The Department of **** Your Job Security.

The DoFYJS would consist of surly auditors, and their only job would be to go into other government agencies to figure out -

A. do you ****ers do anything worth a ****?

B. which of you ****ers actually get **** done?

Then fire everyone else.

Right now it is pretty much impossible to fire government employees. The process is asinine. It is so bad that the worst government employees, who nobody else can stand, don’t get fired. They get PROMOTED. It’s easier, and then its somebody else’s problem.

But the DoFYJS don’t care. If your job is making tax payers fill out mandatory paperwork and then filing it somewhere nobody will ever read it? **** you. Gone. Clean out your desk.

We need to get rid of entire agencies. Gone. WTF does the Department of Education improve? NOTHING.

Gone. Fire them all. Sell the assets.

Any agency that survives this purge, move it out of DC to an area more appropriate to its mission. Do we need a Dept of Agriculture? Okay. Go to Kansas.

This will also cause all the DC/NOVA power monger set to resign so I don’t have to waste time firing them.

Oh, and right wing pet causes, you’re not safe. I worked for the Air Force. We all know that we could fire 1/3 of the GS employees tomorrow and the only noticeable difference would be more parking available on base.

Cut everything. We never do, because somebody might cry. Too bad. They’re called budget cuts because they’re supposed to hurt. Not budget tickles. **** you. Cut.

Shutting off the money faucet will also destroy the unholy alliance between gov/media/academia/tech.

Right now there is a revolving door, government job, university job, corporate board, think tank, the same crowd who goes to the same parties and went to the same schools and all that other incestuous **** just take turns in the different chairs.

Sell the ****ing chairs.

Every entity that gets tax money inevitably turns into a pig trough for these people. Cut it all off. All of these money faucets ALWAYS cause some kind of financial crisis later anyway.

See the student loan crisis caused by the government, here is free money, oh college has become expensive and useless, so now we need more government to solve it. You dummies get to pay for it. Have some inflation.

It’s all bullshit.

Quit pretending any of this makes sense.

The only way the leviathan shrinks is we elect people who actively hate the government to the government, and then only let them stay there long enough to **** the government without getting corrupted by it.

The instant you see the small government crusader you sent to DC going “Oh, well maybe an unholy alliance between the state and OmniGlobalMegaCorp to develop a mind control ray is a good thing” FIRE HIM.

So there you have it. That’s my platform if you elect me president. Fire ****ing everybody. And only give me one term. Thank you.

I think I've found my ideal candidate for November 2024 . . .



Bobo the Hobo said...

Looks like I just found my new side hustle!

Carl "Bear" Bussjaeger said...

One more question for the DoFYJS:

C. Even if you get **** done, is it explicitly authorized by the Constitution?

No? Bye.

Aesop said...

Too meek and mild.

Some government agencies need to not be fired.
They need to be arrested, prosecuted, and either executed, or waterboarded in Gitmo for 50 years, then exiled.

I have a list.

Chris. said...

He's got my vote.

Landroll said...

I'm in!

glasslass said...

Lady worked for me got a gov job. She called a month or so later and asked if we had found something of hers. Found and I would drop it by where she worked. She was knitting when I arrived. When asked she admitted the entire office would each get about 2 hours of work. But once past the probation stage she would have great bennie's. And most of all couldn't be fired. To each his own. Would drive me bonkers.

Magson said...

Some years ago I bought a cheap book on tape to listen to on a 1400-mile driving trip (each way! ). I didn't really look at it too hard, just got it cheap from the clearance box. It ended up being Lewis Black's autobiography.

The only thing I really remmeber from it is his description of his 1st job out of college working as a manager in the US Postal Service. It's only quasi-govt, but ..... Anyway, he described how he'd go in, completely waste the morning, go to lunch, work lackadaisically for an hour after lunch, then waste the rest of the afternoon. After about a month of his, he got called in to his supervisor's office and chewed out for making everyone else look bad becuz he was getting so much work done. He said doing as little as he did went against his nature, but he was trying to fit in and even that was too much, so he found another job in the next month and left there.

And this was the Post Office that actually has to deliver a product. Can you imagine how much worse the govt that just endlessly files reports must be?

lynn said...

I am with Larry Correia, fire everyone in the federal government that is not elected or in the military. And fire anyone in the military who is in anyway remotely connected with the DEI crap.

nbc said...

Should Mr Correia fail to gain the Presidency, the title of Prime Minister will be available in the next week...

Anonymous said...

While there are government workers who do good work, and lots of it, as a government employee I've noticed that there tends to be more work and fewer workers when you get away from big cities. There are still people who never should have been hired, but there are fewer of them.

I think federal employees should be prohibited from living within 50 miles of any city over 100,000 (federal buildings too).
Look what happened when the Bureau of Land Management headquarters moved to Grand Junction, CO under Trump!

Anonymous said...

Did he happen to end that suggestion to that bloke in Argentina?