Wednesday, September 11, 2024

He's not wrong...


From Stephan Pastis.  Click the image to be taken to a larger version at the "Pearls Before Swine" Web page.

That also puts last night's debate between the Presidential candidates into perspective.  One of them at least is programmed by and under the control of the "elite class".  The other scares that same class silly, which is why they're trying everything they can to get rid of him, or failing that, demolish his candidacy.



LL said...

A lot of people (in the media) are urging America to "Go with the Ho!" Pres. Trump shouldn't have said yes to the ABC debate - you knew it was going to be 3 against 1

Dan said...

The ugly reality is the people we think are in charge ARE NOT. And the people who ARE in charge don't give a rats ass what we think or want because they are beyond accountability.

Peteforester said...

...Only if We, The People don't call them to account...

Peteforester said...

Anyone with an IQ above room temperature could see the blatant bias, whether they were willing to admit it or not. As for Trump, he PERSONIFIED my anger at what's happened to my beloved America!

bravokilo said...

Corporations have no power. If you have to jail the CEO for non-compliance (i.e. honesty), the bribe from his more compliant successor is just as spendable.
The 2008 collapse is an excellent example, but since our collective intelligence is that of a mob, we didn't learn a dang thing, and the cycle continues.

Mind your own business said...

The bathroom argument isn't just a distraction. It's an integral part of their plans to destroy our culture and heritage, deteriorate families, and spread decadence throughout society.

Anonymous said...

Exactly! Just a few years ago, a man in the ladies room was taken seriously. I recall Paul Harvey in the 90s telling how he heard a man's voice coming from the women's room and deciding he had to go throw him out. "And that man, was Paul Harvey." I wish I could find the recording.