We do the washing, drying, sorting, folding, and so on. Ashbutt helps us by looking decorative.
He also attacks every bit of laundry whenever it's moved. When we try to salvage it from his claws, he looks injured, as if to say, "Well, what else did you expect when you adopted a kitten?"
I showed a picture of Ashbutt to my kids- they loved the kitty and his name. I have a pure black kitty and she's the best. I hope you have many happy years with this one.
I came this () close to bringing home a kitten yesterday. We were house-hunting, and when we went in the house to look around, she really wanted in, and then kept right with us while we looked at the grounds and barn. Let me pick her up, was snuggly... but she was healthy and cared-for, which I assumed meant she actually belonged to the nearby neighbors, and I didn't want to catnap. Not even for a apple-face blue point siamese. The house was dreadful, sadly.
i think they like the warmth from the just dried clothes but any laundry in a basket is ideal for naps.
It's important to cats that they ensure each piece of fresh, clean laundry get a generous coating of their fur. Laundry also seems to bring out their inner kitten - just like human toddlers love to "help" with the laundry or making the bed. Part of their charm.
Congrats on the new fur ball!
I used to have a gray cat named Pixel, who had the rings around his tail that Ashbutt is showing. Pixel's disappeared as he got older, to my disappointment.
Bow down before your feline overlords, while you'e at it fetch some tuna.
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