Tuesday, October 25, 2022

No blog updates until Thursday


As I've mentioned in the past, I'm in the process of setting up an alternate blog site, thanks to the growing threat of censorship and/or deletion on Big Tech blogging sites and facilities.  To that end, the contents of this blog (including all the archives) are scheduled to be backed up and copied over to a new server tomorrow, Wednesday, October 26th.

As a result, I won't be putting up any new blog articles until Thursday morning, to allow the copying process to proceed uninterrupted.  Anything I posted in the middle of that process wouldn't be copied, anyway, so there's not much point in trying!  Please enjoy yourselves with the bloggers listed in the sidebar until then.




boron said...

"...the growing threat..."
I like your sense of humor.
Looking forward to continuing reading your views

B said...

THe learning curve is steep.....

Hamsterman said...

Not going to get copied? Hmmmm...

Squeak eeek eek squeak eek eek eek!
-Major Fluffy

Andrew Smith said...

We salute your attempt to escape from our tech overlords.

heresolong said...

So Sarah Elizabeth's brilliant and insightful comment on your blog situation won't be preserved for posterity? Shame.

John in Indy said...

Thanks for acting to preserve your ability to keep us all informed and entrttained despite the repressive actions of the .gov, acting through their commercial partners.
Write moar books! : - 》