Sunday, December 24, 2023

Sunday morning music


On this Christmas Eve, there's only one song I'd like to play.  There's any amount of excellent, outstanding, holy Christmas music out there, so much that it's almost impossible to say which are the best examples of the genre.  Nevertheless, one of my favorites is this simple, reflective, prayerful song by Fr. John Foley SJ and the St. Louis Jesuits.  It's never ceased to appeal to me.

Amid all the great orchestral and choral pieces of the season, this seems to me to be the sort of simpler Christmas carol that might have been played and sung around the crib in Bethlehem, that first Christmas night, many years ago.



STxAR said...

Happy Christmas, Brother. I don't remember hearing this, not ever. What a gift for Christmas. Thank you. May God richly bless you and yours.

Arthur said...

thank you for introducing me to John Foley singing.

chipmunk said...

Thank you for this gift; it brought tears to my eyes and peace to my heart. I wish you a peaceful and happy Christmas as well.

LL said...

Merry Christmas!