Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Battle of the bots: air drones versus ground drones


Twitter/X user Yam Peleg brings us a video clip of ground unmanned vehicles (drones) being attacked by suicide unmanned aerial vehicles (also drones).  Go watch.  It's worth your time.

One suspects this may be the future of ground combat between technologically capable adversaries.  Why risk a human life when you can send an automated system to do his job?  And why counter the adversary with a human when another automated system will be at least as, if not more, efficient?

As I've said before, in this technological age, I'm glad I'm not an infantryman any longer . . .



NobobyExpects said...

The attacked drones do not seem active.

boron said...

I wonder if the target vehicle fires cannister (#4 lead shot) ...
How quickly can the target vehicle respond (if given the drone's frequency?)
If given the drone's frequency, could the target vehicle just make the drone fly in circles?

Jess said...

War is turning into a video game. When the drones become more sophisticated, those that manage the money will find they're targets.

rufus222 said...

Plus, each opposing force will need to be tagged with some type of ID device so their own drones don't kill them.

Skyler the Weird said...

There are peaceful drones in use. A company called Zipline uses drones to deliver blood and medical supplies to medical teams in rural Africa where travel by road is iffy.

Anonymous said...

Skynet is smiling in her sleep, dreaming of a future foretold in 1984....

Anonymous said...

Sorry Peter, that’s just a couple of minutes of BS propaganda video footage. I looked at the channel providing the footage and laughed - the other videos on there are so bad it’s cringe-worthy. No doubt they have drones that go bang. It just looked like a remotely operated UXO cart with a gun mount - it didn’t try to evade or defend itself - it just sat there waiting to go boom.

Anonymous said...

Not directly connected to drone v drone, but I thought you'd find this video on the evolution of techniques w/ respect to tanks v drones interesting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gWlb0N2jNc

Linda Fox said...

The military should be identifying those soldiers who have some experience with drones, and moving them to drone training. They may be in places that customarily don't have combat troops - quartermaster, vehicle ops, kitchen, admin/clerical, or other non-combatant units.