Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Gov. Kristi Noem was (and is) right


There's been an enormous, emotional reaction to South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem's revelation that she shot an errant dog after it had killed a flock of chickens and then appeared to turn on her.  If you've missed the story, you can read about it here.

My first point is, if the incident is as she described it, she did exactly the right thing.  One of her dogs had inflicted death and destruction on another person's animals.  There's no "miracle cure" for that;  once an animal starts down that path, it'll continue unless and until it's stopped the hard way.  I've seen it many times before, and twice have assisted a friend to shoot packs of dogs that had "graduated" to chasing cattle, biting at their legs and throats, trying to bring one down to kill and eat it.

My second point is that far too many people today have lost sight of the basic facts of life.  They're living in a cocoon, an emotional fuzzy ball of fluff that's insulated them from reality.  As "Ragin Dave" put it at Liberty's Torch:

The people freaking out about this are people who have never once been outside of their protective bubble. Sometimes real life demands hard choices. When I read the story, I just shrugged and went “Yeah. So?” I think it would do this country a world a good if many of those pampered bubble dwellers had to actually see where their food comes from, and perhaps harvest that food themselves. The first time I helped harvest and butcher an animal I became much more appreciative of the food on my plate, and the people who work to put it there. I think that lesson needs to be taught to an entire generation these days.

True dat.  Life is full of hard choices.  Killing an errant, dangerous animal is just one of them - and by no means the most difficult.

Choices are often hard in the abstract, but a heck of a lot easier in the concrete.  It's easy to say, "Oh, I could never shoot someone!" when asked what one would do if a criminal attacked one's spouse or child.  When it actually happens - when one's spouse or child is subject to a brutal, relentless attack that can only result in her death or serious injury - it's a whole lot easier to justify shooting, and even killing, the attacker.  That also tends to change one's whole outlook on life.  Shooting an errant, dangerous animal is part and parcel of the same response.

I remember a young lady I knew back in South Africa.  She was one of the anti-violence, peace-and-rainbows-and-unicorn-farts people, nice enough as a person, but without much of a clue about the darker side of the world.  When I invited her to join a class I was presenting on defensive firearm use, she recoiled in horror, as if I were some sort of monster.  (I was more than a little surprised that her husband, a shooter and hunter and outdoor type, had married her;  but he obviously saw beneath the surface to the real person, who hadn't yet revealed herself.)

That changed in the small hours of the morning she found an intruder climbing in through the window of her two-year-old daughter's bedroom.  According to her (somewhat bemused) husband, she stormed into the room (pushing him aside in the process), pepper-sprayed the intruder in the eyes, waited until he'd put his hands up to his face, kicked him hard in the unmentionables, and proceeded to beat him unmercifully about the head with her daughter's favorite wooden stool (so hard that she broke it).  According to him, when the cops arrived, they stood around scratching their heads and saying things like "Ma'am, why did you call us?  You were doing just fine on your own!"  Kipling warned us about the female of the species . . . and I suspect he was right, particularly when the female in question is the mother of a young child.

I heard about the incident at five o'clock that morning, when she called, woke me out of a sound sleep, and demanded to join my next shooting class, at once if not sooner.  She learned well, and persuaded her husband (who, already a shooter, needed little persuasion) to buy her a Colt Commander lightweight .45 pistol, which she proceeded to carry everywhere with almost religious fervor.  She'd learned the hard way that life happens, whether we like it or not - and she was determined to make sure it worked out in her (and her child's) favor next time.  The rest of her (former) circle of friends were horrified at her transformation, needless to say, and promptly turned their backs on her;  but her husband (and yours truly) were all in favor.  It did their marriage no end of good, too.

So, I fail to see why all the fuss about Governor Noem's actions with respect to her dog.  She did what was necessary, when it was necessary.  I have no idea whether or not she's a good governor, as I live a long way from her state and have never had the need to do any research about her:  but the story makes me more likely than not to consider her favorably, as a politician who's walked the walk as well as talked the talk.  Readers who know more about her can tell the rest of us in Comments if that's a reasonable assessment.



Anonymous said...

At least she didn't torture the dog, unlike many beagles in the experiments Fauci funneled funds to. She didn't torture them using our dollars, she humanely shot the dog.

MrGarabaldi said...

Hey Peter,

The same people having the vapors about this incident, gave a pass to President Obama eating Rover when he was loving in Indonesia because of "culture", well as I understand it, that dog was a field dog, and she used the dog for hunting and things of that nature, basically a working dog. Well the dog went feral and she handled it. That is the culture in the Midwest. so the same people having a heart attack about Kristi shooting her dog for killing the chickens have no compunction for 3rd trimester abortions. so it is a double standard from the left that they use to flay the other side of the aisle.

Anonymous said...

I told my wife I thought Noem was right in what she did and my wife could not grasp it. My wife is good with guns and animals but still feels that the dog should have been treated more in a human way. I can see it being on a ranch far from using a vet easy and the costs.

glasslass said...

Lived on a mile long dirt road and was the last house. We all had strays that had been dumped (may those people rest in Hell) and one showed up and was a nice quite dog. Gave us no problem with either the dogs or our cats. Left for town and when I returned the dog had gone on a killing spree. Killed 27 chickens of the neighbors, came home and killed 2 nesting guineas and 3 turkeys and injured 4 turkeys. Took her to vet next day and these dogs have a trigger of small moving animals and can easily turn on small children. Had her put down that day as vet said this is an inborn trait and she really couldn't be saved.

Xoph said...

I live in Alabama and have a small farm. Any animal who is harassing livestock may be legally shot, and the locals will pat you on the back. Too many city people come out here and drop off unwanted dogs who start going after our livestock. Those people are putting me in the position to shoot their dogs who are just trying to eat. (I've lost several chickens) I'm a dog person, I hate this. You don't catch a dog that doesn't want to be caught and these dogs have learned not to trust people. There is no choice left. she should be applauded for not putting someone else in the position of cleaning up the mess.

I'm sure the same people that abandon Fido are having the vapors over this. Nothing but contempt for such people. My chickens may not be pets, but I still spend effort to care for them and they make me breakfast. My chickens are more important than your dog. My dogs know better.

Gerry said...

We are inundated with " There are no bad dogs!" Sorry just not true.
Gov. Noem was faced with two choices, dump the problem animal on someone else or end the problem by putting the dog down. She choose the latter. If she took it to a vet to be euthanized, would that have been better? Dead dog either way but maybe more acceptable.

Killing an animal outside of hunting is foreign to 95% of the population these days. Putting down a sick cow or injured horse might be acceptable but cats and dogs are almost considered members of the family here in the US. That is certainly not true on most of the planet.

I understand shooting a stock killing dog. My wife does not.
My wife said, " What about the goat?"
I said, "I would have sold it to Bosnians, They love goat meat."
She's not talking to me now.

Rick said...

Just this morning I was remembering a certain event. A combat vet went full battle rattle in response to a circumstance unfolding in his normally serene domestic town. Most people would think nothing of it, but he did. Gotten from experience, he saw the telltales plain as day.

At gunpoint, he removed the perps from their vehicle and detained them for the police. The local fuzz arrived to take control of the matter. The perps tried to pass a story that it was all a misunderstanding and they were innocent.

They sounded very convincing. So convincing that likely most people would let the perps leave then get upset with the actions of the vet. They would be wrong. Cursory investigation revealed that these two had lengthy lists of wants and warrants. They really were casing a few residences in the neighborhood.

One man out of probably hundreds had seen something awry and had acted appropriately. The cops trusted the vet. The sole reason I mention this is that Ito a very large extent are most people not aware of the dark underpinnings operating just out of sight. Society creates a bias by which we do not see, nay hardly imagine how close we are to the brutality of horrific crimes.

Consider while out and about on errands how often you share the road, the store with others with a record if serious crimes. Statistics say you do so more often than is comfortable.

Magson said...

Seems like the critic need to at least watch Ol' Yeller . . . .

Yes, we loved the dog, but he had to be put down. It sucked, but had to be done.

Tree Mike said...

I didn't hear about this until it was discussed Gutfeld the other night. They were mystified, so was I, because there was no reason given, other than "behavioral issues". Killing livestock is a BIG issue!

Chris Nelson said...

City people do not understand the facts of life nor the hard rules of the country.

I've put down two dogs while working on the farm as a youth. One was mine, it went after and killed the neighbors chickens. The other was a neighbors wolf-hybrid that was chasing quarter horses at the farm across the road. Shoot, shovel, and say a prayer for the animal.

Now ranchers in Colorado have to deal with idiots in Denver, who helped release and currently protect wolves through lawfare. FFS!

James said...

Over forty years ago I worked with a woman whose husband was an over the road driver. He bought a pistol because she was at home alone many nih=ghts and they had a couple of small children. He got a Charter Arms Bulldog if I remember right. She said that he wasted his money because she couldn't shoot anybody. I asked what if they came for her kids and she said oh yeah I could shoot them. I said and that is what it is for.

Beans said...

We have become a nation of soft people. When did doing the right thing with an animal become the wrong thing?

I've put down dying cats before. If you've ever been around a cat doing that weird 'brain not connected' wailing they do as they die, you know what I mean. Better for the animal.

My wife can't do it. But then again, she's nice and sweet and has survived crap that would kill a normal person. And she's got me, who will take care of business, away from her where she can't see or hear what's going on.

It's why we never had meat animals. She couldn't deal with it if she saw or fed or took care of them. I can. I can do the separation of 'live animal neat' and 'moving food.'

Ultimate Ordnance said...

I agree 100% with this post and most of the previous comments. Governor Noem took responsibility and did what needed to be done. She didn't pass it off to a vet, or to anybody else. I'd vote for her in a minute, due to that attitude.
I live in the country. I have shot many feral dogs over the years, and will continue to do so. I also shoot rattlesnakes, skunks, possums, racoons and any other predators that I meet. I once told some associates at work how I was surprised by a big rattlesnake one day, and a city boy gasped " ... and you shot it?". Well yes, of course I shot it!

E. C. said...

Y'know, I hate killing animals. But we've had chickens ever since I can remember, and we've had multiple critters attack them. Once, a neighbor's dog got in - and out of - our coop 15 times in a night, to kill all but one of our chickens, plus a sweet old turkey hen that mothered the flock. Our yard was literal carnage, and the owner just shrugged when Dad did the 'right thing' and called Animal Control. I've never seen him so mad - I honestly thought that my nigh-unflappable father was going to shoot the owner, then the dog. He was practically incandescent with fury. It's funny; about the only thing that can get Dad mad is critters coming after his chickens.

You see, Dad grew up on a farm. He had to shoot his own dog when he was a kid, because it came home with wool between its teeth, and dogs that get a taste for that don't stop at one.

I may not like killing, but I sure won't condemn someone for taking responsibility for their animal. I live in a larger town, but 20 minutes out is rural, and I have friends who grew up there. The biggest points of contention in that small town are water rights, loose animals, and family feuds. There's one family in particular that's historically had vicious, poorly trained dogs. My friend's family shot one of 'em after warning said problem family multiple times to get their dogs under control. Anyone who's seen the damage a big dog can do to sheep, or a little one to fowl, is not going to let that problem continue.

Bailey said...

She did the right thing.
Everyone else who might have an issue with her actions, needs to remove their heads from their posteriors.

Get ready. Get used to it. Get a grip.

Mike in Canada

Dragon Lady said...

I might have had issues with this once upon a time. But then the idiot neighbor up the street let his dogs out for a run (to busy to leash them, to expensive to fence the yard). A week later, the dogs were still loose, and one of them did that fear-aggression bark and lunge at me as I was walking to the mailbox. My daughter said "oh yeah - he did that to the little girl down the street, too."

I hopped in my car, walked up to the neighbor's door, told them what happened, heard many lame excuses, and informed them that if I saw either one of their dogs in my yard again I would shoot it.

Not 2 hours later the dogs were back home, and a fence was being built the next day.

Dogs are cute, and friendly, and man's best friend, and they will tear your face off if they want to.

Javahead said...

I grew up in the country, on my grandparent's ranch.

I also love animals. But we had a problem with feral dogs attacking livestock - we'd lost sheep and calves. So had several of the neighboring ranchers.

The cause: one neighbor had intended a breeding operation (read: puppy mill), but let them run loose with no supervision but still fed them. At any given time, there were probably 40-50 dogs living on his property and roaming in packs.

So for several years (until he was finally arrested, and county animal control removed them while he was serving time in the county jail) any time I walked the ranch I had a rifle in my hands, and shot every dog I found on our property.

During those years, I probably shot and killed a dozen dogs. It wasn't because I hated dogs - I don't, and I hated each and every time I had to shoot one. It was because that was the only remedy available to an ongoing problem, and we depended on our livestock for food and income.

City people don't get it.

I live now in San Jose, a major city, but there's a tongue of steep hills that separates two suburban neighborhoods. The land's privately owned grazing land, with "No Trespassing - Private Property - No Dogs" signs at frequent intervals along the fenceline.

A few years ago, a handful of people living in the adjoining neighborhoods thought that this meant it was fine to let their dogs - mostly large dogs - run free there. Several cattle were either killed directly or injured enough they needed to be put down. After talking with our county animal control, and posting signs warning that free-running dogs would be shot, the owners did just that.

Despite all the warnings, the indignation was amazing. Even more so when their complaints to the police and the county sheriff were answered with "you were warned, and they were within their legal rights."


BGnad said...

I've had to put down a few animals in my time.
I've hated it, and the first two times as a youth, I bungled it badly.
When it needs to be done, it should be done as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Anything else just adds needless suffering to the process.

JNorth said...

It isn't a matter of doing the right thing or not. It the issue of talking about it and giving easy ammo to her enemies which makes people question her judgement. Especially how she emphasized that she hated that dog, making it seem like she was just looking for an excuse to kill it.

It doesn't matter that a chicken killing dog should be put down. It doesn't matter how much some of you stomp your feet and claim others are soft or have their heads up their butt. She just killed her chances at any elected positions on a national level.

B said...

Yes, she did the right thing. Sometimes we have to do things that are unpleasant.

But. One thing to consider: decent people don't brag about it in a book nor a news article.
They do what they need to and keep quiet.
It takes bravery and strength to do it, and class to not discuss it.

Do you, Peter, talk about the unpleasant things you had to do as a soldier? Brag about it in a book?
This goes to character, in my view....not the action, but the bragging afterwards.

Sorry if that is something y'all disagree with.

lynn said...

Now that I know the entire story, I am totally for her to be Trump’s VP. I’ve seen her talk on a video, she gives a good story, very practical lady.

Joeblog said...

I disagree. Sounds like she has no clue on training a working dog, it's all on her.

a_probst said...

There was a similar spat over a much milder incident during Lyndon Johnson's presidency, prompting a humorist at the time to write:

I love little doggy, his coat is so warm
and if I don't hurt him, he'll do me no harm.
So I won't pull his ears nor scare him away
and I won't catch hell from the SPCA.

ravenshrike said...

The problem is how she described doing it. She 'hated' both the dog and the goat. And goat was evil and smelly. Having to put down a dog or other animal because of behavior is one thing. Having to hate the animal in order to do so is another thing entirely.

Darrel said...

This ...
I can see this being a defining moment for a politician, but she is a rancher?

The Freeholder said...

As you say, there are times when hard choices must be made. Me, I've got a stupidly soft spot for animals, and I might have taken the dog to the vet to be euthanized. However, a pistol shot to the head is quick if not clean.

Francis Turner said...

apparently she also thinks bureaucrats are dogs :)

Anonymous said...

You are absolutely correct. 75% of this country believes meat starts out packaged on Styrofoam trays... the thought of it walking around feeding itself just days or weeks prior is not just foreign, its so abstract they cannot relate.

Anonymous said...

Funny, cuz the first person I mentioned this story to who reacted negatively was an old friend with a working ranch and farm, who I know for a fact has had to put down dogs before. He called her a performative jackass, who deserves exactly what she's getting. He's not clueless. He's a Heritage American, a descendant of farmers, with ancestors who fought at Bunker Hill. I don't have a ranch, just a small farm, but I 100% agree with him. Only a moron looking for "tough points" would deliberately publicize the fact that they shot a 14 month old dog in the face, immediately prior to a national political campaign. I've had to put down animals before. It was sad, but necessary. I wouldn't brag about it, and I certainly wouldn't write about it looking for brownie points in a frickin "look how tough I am" memoir, and I'd be the opposite of shocked if people reacted negatively if I was so empty-headed as to have done so. Kristi Noem is an imbecile. She's not right, she's not even wrong, she's just an idiot, as far as I'm concerned. Mitt Romney was put through hell for having his dog in a carrier on top of his vehicle. Anyone incapable of learning from that, lacks the sense God gave a goose.

Anonymous said...

Exactly. It's one thing to be Davey Crockett and write about having to put down your beloved dog. It's another to be Sarah Palin redux, and blather about how much you hated this dog, and you shot him in the face. Brilliant. Just brilliant. You go girl! /S

Zaphod said...

Commenter B has the right of it.

It may be the right thing to do, but you don't talk about it. Unless you're an utterly clueless idiot with zero political acumen, let alone understanding of the rules of civilised mature adult behaviour. Some necessary things are simply not topics for general public airing.

Part of being an adult is understanding what does and does not get aired in public.

Anyway this Noem is just another Low IQ Airhead. I grok why it's hard for the 'Right' (little do ye know) to get good candidates given the terrible risks involved, but folks like her popping up all the time and making fools of themselves in public is just plain depressing.

Anonymous said...

This is Governor Noem's Howard Dean Scream moment, and it's likely to lose her the VP candidacy. Trump should choose Tulsi Gabbard, she will pull more independents and suburban women, and she's got legislative experience plus she's a soldier and a fighter pilot who shoots MIGs instead of dogs. She's a former Democrat whose Party left her, like Ronald Reagan. She says she's ready and willing, and sounds presidential. Donald Trump has enough burdens, and shouldn't take any more people with problems on. Whoever he picks will be the defacto candidate in '28 and will start campaigning in about two and a half years from now. I have no idea what kind of person the Governor is, but this is her own political miscalculation and politics is unfair and unforgiving. And we can't take unnecessary chances, too many traitors among the Republicans to be overly worried about the Democrats.
rick m

Anonymous said...

When this story appeared, I took a few minutes thinking about why she would present this to the public. She did the right thing, but publicizing it seemed foolish. There’s no way to use this incident to score points with the increasingly urban voter base she faces. Given that she and her team have shown impressive PR skills up to this point- including apparently burying the story of her affair- it seems an unlikely misstep. I would posit that this story somehow became known, and was being held for blackmail or for use at a time of an extortionist’s choosing, and her team decided to get ahead of the story and hopefully spin it in a positive direction. Anything else just doesn’t make sense.

GrayDog said...

What Joeblog said.

Everything this young dog did was Noem's fault She wasn't a bad dog, nor untrainaable, nor uncontrollable, nor vicious. And she did not deserve to be murdered.

I have raised and trained pointing dogs my entire life. I have run my dogs in field trials and various hunt tests, including those with water work, since my chosen breed is a versatile breed, as is the German Wirehaired Pointer. I've run many field trials and hunt tests. My dogs have been exposed to upland birds and waterfowl long before they have reached poor Crikets age of 14 months (barely past puppyhood). I live on a farm. My trained bird dogs do not bother my chickens. Those that are insufficiently trained are tethered when out until I know they can (probably) be trusted. And for perspective, a lot of pigeons and pen-raised gamebirds meet their demise during the years-long training of a finished pointing dog.

Noem's description of events imply that her dog had never received any training or exposure to birds until the singular day she cronicles. The day starts with her releasing her juvenile dog (whom she says she HATED) in the unrealistic hope that the older dogs will teach her how to hunt. Young Cricket responds on first exposure to birds like any bird dog worth having. Her genetic prey drive is activated for the first time and she goes wild with joy and excitement. I have witnessed this many times over my 70+ years. The problem is that it happened on a hunt that was thereby ruined not just for Noem, but for the other hunters Noem was with. Which must have been terribly embarrassing for her. This is entirely Noem's fault, not her dog's. The young dog didn't purposefully set out to ruin the day. She did what any experienced dog handler would have known she would do.

Then (same day) Noem stops at a farm on the way home from the ruined hunt. Her dog didn't "escape," Like, what, it carried a lockpick hidden in her pocket? It waited until Noem was out of sight and then began surreptitiously working on the door interior to manipulate the door lock and latch to get out after the chickens? C'mon people! Noem did not have the dog tethered or properly restrained in a crate, and when Noem opened her door to get out, the dog bolted through the opening to get at the domestic birds that looked exctly the same to the young, inexperienced bird dog as the pheasants she had been released to joyfully chase earlier that same day. Except chickens are easier to catch than wild pheasants. This is not the dog's fault at all: she was doing exactly what any competent dog handler would have expected and taken steps to prevent. Noem is completely clueless about bird dogs in general and her own dog in particular, this much is painfully obvious. It amazes me that so many here are oblivious to these facts and are so quick to defend Noem and condemn the dog.

So Noem takes her trusting family pet, on probably the happiest day of the dog's life, and shoots her in the face. Now this wasn't a mature dog, roaming the countryside night after night in search of innocent victims to slaughter. No, this was a very young dog - the canine equivalant of a human pre-teen - whose behavior ON THIS ONE DAY was completely predictable and preventable by anyone with a clue. If Noem was a decent human being, she would have recognized her own limitations and given the dog to anyone who DID have a clue, and taken a long look at herself in the mirror. Instead, she is setting about to frame her own train weck of failuress to manufacture a false image of a politician who is tough, decisive and pragmatic. The story tells me that she is nothing but a vain liar.

Poor Cricket. She had so much potential and deserved so muxh better.

Virginia Granny said...

While there has certainly been a lot of back and forth re putting down dogs (or cats, or horses, or goats...whatever), too many people are unaware of how awful it is for most animals to be euthanized by injection. Usually from a vet, in a vet's office. I lived in an animal hospital for over a year, and witnessed some of the most dreadful experiences any animal had to suffer. I won't go into detail (enough fodder for a whole series of "not-All-Creatures-Great-and-Small" yarns), but suffice it to say that most animals are scared of trips to the vet, are afraid of being handled by strangers, esp. if they are in pain, and are forced to go thru a whole series of painful and restraining procedures prior to the ultimate (and, yes, occasionally unsuccesful) barbiturate end. IMHO, a well-placed shot to the head by a trusted friend is a far superior way to go.

If you are angry or scared, that is not the time to learn if you can handle a gun or shoot anyone, or defend yourself for whatever reason. This kind of work requires forethought, planning, prayer, and way more courage than most people think.

I once had to put down a dog that was attacking ME. I was unarmed and had to literally throttle the animal (a lovely homebred Collie that was later necropsied and shown to have a brain tumor). I kept her from destroying my arm and fatally mauling me by locking her jaws open with my forearm jammed into her mouth and limiting her to one single deep bite that didn't tear away any muscle. It was no fun, and I bear the scars and pain to this day, more than 20 years later. But if I hadn't emotionally prepared myself to deal with such an emergency, I probably would have been killed.

I don't think the Governor handled this particular dog in the best possible way, but shooting animals that go rogue, esp. livestock killers, is a part of life that snowflakes need to respect.

Now, as to that Asshat who ran over and tortured a badly injured wolf in a bar ON VIDEO that made headlines last week - another story entirely. I believe that that kind of unnecessary cruelty deserves a hefty dose of the same.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. You said what I couldn't. Sometimes you have to put a dog down. It's a fact of life, and there's no point pretending otherwise. But what this puffed up imbecile did was unnecessary in the extreme, and publicizing it only serves to highlight her stupidity and unworthiness for public office.

GrayDog said...

Virginia, the part that so many people are missing is that Cricket did *NOT* "go rogue". Everything she did was normal (for a juvenile bird dog), natural, predictable and controllable. Everything Kristi Noem did was bone-headed wrong, except for paying for the dead chickens. There was no need, no valid reason whatsoever to kill Cricket. So the only piece of the debacle to respect is the Governor willingly paying for the farmer's damaged property. Cricket was blameless. I know this from decades of experience with at least hundreds of bird dogs.

I see now that Governor Noem is claiming that Cricket was dangerous (to people) and that Noem's house was her last chance. Sounds to me like she is trying to backfill her tall tale. Doesn't anybody here understand that 14 months old is 22 months away from being mature for most breeds of dog? I have met hundreds of German Wirehaired Pointers and not a single one of them was mean, vicious or dangerous in any way. Hard to believe that this particular one was at the tender age of 14 months. If Noem really believed that, why would she turn the dog loose with other dogs and hunters? Why is there nothing in Noem's account of her dog threatening any of the participants at the fated hunt? Yet.

I'm about as crusty an old fart as you are likely to run across. I've killed and butchered with my own hands thousands of birds and waterfowl, several dozens of wild turkeys and dozens of deer and elk. I have also killed a few other animals just because they needed killing. I ain't no snowflake and I am not squeamish. I just don't like liars, no matter what their station in life.

I have also made that bitter final decision for each of my dogs, who, thankfully, died peacefully by injection while I cradled their heads in my arms and whispered love noises in their ears with tears streaming down my cheeks each last goodbye. Ditto with my several horses, minus the cradling part. But that is not the subject of this post. This post is about Kristi Noem trying to bolster her bonafides at the expense of an innocent young dog. I am astounded that so many are conflating baby Cricket with a rabid wolf terrorizing the village. Unbelievable.

Anonymous said...


Ultimate Ordnance said...

Feral dogs attacking in Philadelphia:

I'm sure they are just harmless lovable puppies having fun.

B said...

Ultimate: You act like a Liberal, conflating two totally different things to bolster a failed argument. That tactic likely works well with liberals who cannot think for themselves...

Cheap, slimy methods won't fly with people of any most of the commentors here. We can see the difference. Either you are stupid enough not to know the difference or think that the folks reading your comment are so stupid that they can't tell the difference..Or, you are a weasel. I Can't tell...which is it?

GrayDog said...

Ultimate, I saw that horrific video yesterday. I won't presume that your comment was directed to me. The video is not at all analogous to the discussion here and the implication in your comment is, nevertheless, utterly despicable.

Anonymous said...

This whole country is full of experts that seem to know so much about the dog and they can describe how it’s breath smelled. Hundreds of experiences evidently give you total knowledge of every dog out there. I’m from the country and understand bad dogs. I’ve shot more than my share and rarely enjoyed any of it. Some desperately needed it but my big difference is that I didn’t put it in a book. That was her only mistake. Too many bitches out there want to project their truths on everyone. Bitches I say.