Saturday, May 18, 2024

Still no Saturday Snippet while health issues continue


As for the past couple of weeks, my pain levels preclude sitting for hours transcribing part of a book, or even reading a lot.  My next medical procedure is on Monday, May 20, and I guess I'll need a couple of days to catch my breath before picking up normal blogging again.  I hope the specialist will get done everything he wants to do during that procedure, but he's already warned me that if there are too many complications, he'll do a partial job and go back in a third time to finish it.  Let's hope and pray that won't be necessary!  I'm already tired of this . . .

Anyway, please amuse yourselves with the bloggers listed in the sidebar.  They write good, too!




BobF said...

Hang in there, Peter. Wish I could ship you some of my Happy Pills, but then we'd both be in pain in a not-so-good place.

Amahl_Shukup said...

Take good care of yourself, Peter. Your blog, as good as it is, comes in second to your good health.

CGR710 said...

Good luck with your procedure. Let's hope the surgeon can finish everything in one go because any additional procedure will increase the stress om your body...

tweell said...

Prayers and good wishes, Peter. Get well soon.

OldAFSarge said...

Prayers up for complete (and speedy) healing!

boron said...

50, 60, 70 years ago we were immortal and indestructible.
To quote Bob F. "Hang in there."

JWM said...

Best of luck, Peter. You've been on my daily bookmarks tour for a long time. I'd like to see it stay that way.


Matt Power said...

God bless, and I pray all goes well.

Old NFO said...

Prayers up!

chipmunk said...

Praying you and your doctors, that all will be taken care of on Monday.

FeralFerret said...

Prayers and best wishes.

SLee said...

Sending good thoughts for Monday.

James Higham said...

Best to you, Peter, shall put in some prayer.

Grog said...

Prayers sent up

Lee Smith said...

May tomorrow's procedures go well!