Saturday, May 11, 2024

On the mend


Well, three days after the procedure I'm still alive, kicking and eating my salad from the top down rather than from the roots up.  So far, so good.

I see the surgeon next week for a follow-up, and there'll be a second procedure soon after that to try to complete the job that couldn't be done in a single pass.  Things get complicated when organs have to be given time to drain!  If all goes well, that'll be the end of that particular problem;  but if things don't go well, I may need a third surgery to remove a kidney.  Needless to say, I'm hoping that won't be necessary.

Once this problem is out of the way, there's a bigger one on the horizon.  Thanks to bureaucratic infighting, I'll probably have to launch a GiveSendGo fundraiser for assistance with that one.  I'll tell you more about it in a few weeks.

Meanwhile, thank you all very much for your prayers and support.  They mean a lot to me.



NobobyExpects said...

Great news.

Keep the good fight!

James said...

Take your time to rest/relax/heal,as I said before,we will be here when you are in fighting/grab the bull by the horns shape!

Lee Smith said...

Ready for the GiveSendGo whenever you set it up.

Old NFO said...

Hang in there Peter!

BobF said...

Why wait? GiveSendGo now/soon and if you don't end up needing it forward to a charity of choice. I'd bet many would be OK with that.

Bob C. said...

Good to hear it's going well; set up GSG whenever you want! I'll do what I can.

chipmunk said...

Good to hear. I was impressed the last several days to see you putting out posts. Prayers will continue from here!

1chota said...

I have kept you in my prayers and will continue to do so.
May God continue to bless you and your wonderful wife.

BadFrog said...

Total agreement with what BobF said. Even if you end up not needing it, these days there are plenty of good people who do

John T. Block said...

Just glad you're still with us, Peter, although more surgeries aren't a happy thought. Kidneys?
Oy Vey! Prayers still coming, now Dammit get better! That's an order! 🙂

Tom Bridgeland said...

Pray for the best; it's all in good hands.