... at the lunacy, stupidity and sheer bubble-headedness of some of the federal programs being uncovered - and summarily terminated - by the Trump administration. Take one minute to watch this video excerpt.
"Food justice for queer and transgender farmers"? How could their sexuality possibly lead to food injustice? "Studying the menstrual cycles of transgender men"? Men can't menstruate, by definition, so how the hell can their menstrual cycles be studied? Who are the imbeciles who thought that such spending was a good idea in the first place - and why have they not been publicly fired yet?
Ye Gods and little fishes . . .
But, but, Tim Walz gives boys tampons so they must be menstruating? That's seem illogical? I raised a boy all the way to manhood. Never once bought him a tampon or pad. Why did not one interviewer ask this question to Gov. Walz on why he was putting them in the boy's bathroom.
If you don't spend the money, you cannot skim your share of the money. There are only so many good reasons/excuses to spend money.
"Food justice for queer and transgender farmers"?
Listen again; it's worse. "food justice for queer and transgender farmers... IN SAN FRANCISCO"
That should be a short study.
Of course, what the Bidenish admin said all that money was going to doesn't necessarily have any relation the money laundering probable-reality.
You are missing the point: Such studies were a Gravy Train for connected individuals, who then kicked back some of the grant money to the folks who decide where to spend the taxpayer funds....
As long as there was a paper or other documents to show at the end of the study, then it was all "legitimate" and the funding could be justified.
Like trimming trees by cutting each leaf off with scissors. I expect Trump to spend all four years generating rah-rah for his base cutting these small programs, while still signing the large-deficit continuing-resolution spending bills. Net effect: Congress still on track to hyperinflate. I expect a falling-out between Musk and Trump similar to Bannon/Trump when Musk realizes he can no longer pretend Trump is serious about making the finances work.
Side note: remember, transgender men are born as women, with all of the plumbing thereof. I don't know what-all goes into the battery of surgeries required to create the facsimile, but I don't think it always includes a hysterectomy and removal of the vagina. Therefore, transgender men can menstruate (which, as far as I'm concerned, reveals the bankruptness of the enterprise.)
Also, why is the government paying for this extraordinarily niche issue?
No, transgender men can't menstruate. Some surgically mutilated women can still menstruate, but not men. If it can menstruate, it's not male. Period. (You should pardon the expression.)
It has to start somewhere, no?
why don't we call it by what it really is ? theft.
just like back in the late 1960's and they "rolled SS money into the general fund". yeah, my parents thought it was stealing even back then.
and from what is coming out, they have been stealing our money for a long time.
granted, it is great that they are stopping the steal. but how about getting our money back
from them ? and then tossing them under the prison. if they can't get back over 50% of the money, put them and all of their family up against a wall and shoot them.
and anyone else that got any of the money,
same deal unless they can pay it back.
one thing they not doing is sending out those letters from SSI showing how much they took and how little you going to get back.
Bastards the whole lot of them.
YGTBSM!!! sigh
Anybody remember the "Golden Fleece Awards"??? I was intrigued by the grant to study whether drunk fish were more aggressive than sober fish. I've heard the saying drunk as a skunk, never drunk as a fish. Oh well.
Hey! You've just never experienced the horror of man-o-pause!
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