Friday, September 20, 2024

"The real question"


That's how DiveMedic titles a recent post on his blog.  I think it raises critically important points, and I strongly urge you to read the whole thing.  Here's an excerpt.  Please note the selections highlighted in orange.

The real question isn’t whether or not the Haitians are eating pets. That’s a distraction. The real questions are:

  • How many Haitians have been admitted into the country with the stamp of approval of the Biden administration since the residents there started eating each other back in March?
  • Why were 20,000 of them sent to a small town in Ohio that had only a population of 60,000 to begin with? Now 1 in 4 residents of the town are now from Haiti.
  • How widespread is this phenomenon? We know that Sylacauga, Alabama (a town of only 12,000 people) has been forced to take in a number of them, with the town council saying that the decision was made “above” them because they are there for jobs. How many jobs can a town of only 12,000 people have to spare?

. . .

It isn’t just Alabama and Ohio. The town of Charleroi, PA has a population of 4,000. Recently, 2,000 Haitians were sent there. It’s estimated that 90% of workers in Charleroi are now made up of Haitians.

I am seeing reports of this in Ohio, Florida, Alabama, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Oregon, and New York. At this point, I have to assume that it’s happening nationwide, and it isn’t just Haitians. They are being provided with jobs, driver’s licenses, and being registered to vote.

We are being replaced, overrun. This nation is on the verge of collapse.

  • Stack your supplies. Food, water, energy, weapons. Have spares so you can equip allies.
  • Make friends.
  • Stay out of cities.
  • Keep your head down. It’s coming. I don’t know when, but when it does happen, it will be stunning how quickly it all comes down.

There's more at the link.  Again, I urge you to click over there and read it all for yourself.

DiveMedic's views may seem alarmist to you, but I've seen similar influxes in the Third World on far too many occasions for my comfort.  They may be genuine refugees, they may be economic migrants (as most of those coming to this country are), or they may be transients, on their way somewhere else.  No matter what, when enough of them flood in to affect the social and economic balance of a town and/or region, disruption is certain.  It may be kept under control for a while, but remember the lesson of the pressure cooker.  It builds pressure inside it to a safe cooking temperature, but then, unless the heat input is regulated, it keeps on building up pressure until something blows.  If everything works as planned, it'll be the safety plug that blows.  If not . . . the pressure cooker becomes an explosive device that converts itself into shrapnel.

Right now, the Biden administration is callously and deliberately dumping the majority of those crossing our borders into Red states and communities.  As a matter of policy, they're overwhelming those places with a huge influx of dependents whose needs can't be met locally, and who will overload the system, both locally and statewide.  It's a classic application of the Cloward-Piven strategy.  The administration is presumably hoping that it'll force those towns and states to become dependent on the federal government for the funds they need to respond to this crisis . . . and, in the process, the new arrivals will take the jobs available in those places, leaving more Americans out of work and dependent on unemployment assistance (again, funded by and increasing the influence of Washington D.C.).

As economist Herbert Stein noted in the law named after him:  "If something cannot go on forever, it will stop."  This cannot go on.  It's unsustainable.  The only question remaining to be answered is whether it can (or will) be stopped by a new administration, or whether people will rise up and reclaim their own towns and states.  DiveMedic believes that the latter will happen - and I find it very hard to disagree with him.

Be warned, keep your eyes and ears open for warning signs, and prepare as best you can.


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