Friday, September 20, 2024

"The real question"


That's how DiveMedic titles a recent post on his blog.  I think it raises critically important points, and I strongly urge you to read the whole thing.  Here's an excerpt.  Please note the selections highlighted in orange.

The real question isn’t whether or not the Haitians are eating pets. That’s a distraction. The real questions are:

  • How many Haitians have been admitted into the country with the stamp of approval of the Biden administration since the residents there started eating each other back in March?
  • Why were 20,000 of them sent to a small town in Ohio that had only a population of 60,000 to begin with? Now 1 in 4 residents of the town are now from Haiti.
  • How widespread is this phenomenon? We know that Sylacauga, Alabama (a town of only 12,000 people) has been forced to take in a number of them, with the town council saying that the decision was made “above” them because they are there for jobs. How many jobs can a town of only 12,000 people have to spare?

. . .

It isn’t just Alabama and Ohio. The town of Charleroi, PA has a population of 4,000. Recently, 2,000 Haitians were sent there. It’s estimated that 90% of workers in Charleroi are now made up of Haitians.

I am seeing reports of this in Ohio, Florida, Alabama, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Oregon, and New York. At this point, I have to assume that it’s happening nationwide, and it isn’t just Haitians. They are being provided with jobs, driver’s licenses, and being registered to vote.

We are being replaced, overrun. This nation is on the verge of collapse.

  • Stack your supplies. Food, water, energy, weapons. Have spares so you can equip allies.
  • Make friends.
  • Stay out of cities.
  • Keep your head down. It’s coming. I don’t know when, but when it does happen, it will be stunning how quickly it all comes down.

There's more at the link.  Again, I urge you to click over there and read it all for yourself.

DiveMedic's views may seem alarmist to you, but I've seen similar influxes in the Third World on far too many occasions for my comfort.  They may be genuine refugees, they may be economic migrants (as most of those coming to this country are), or they may be transients, on their way somewhere else.  No matter what, when enough of them flood in to affect the social and economic balance of a town and/or region, disruption is certain.  It may be kept under control for a while, but remember the lesson of the pressure cooker.  It builds pressure inside it to a safe cooking temperature, but then, unless the heat input is regulated, it keeps on building up pressure until something blows.  If everything works as planned, it'll be the safety plug that blows.  If not . . . the pressure cooker becomes an explosive device that converts itself into shrapnel.

Right now, the Biden administration is callously and deliberately dumping the majority of those crossing our borders into Red states and communities.  As a matter of policy, they're overwhelming those places with a huge influx of dependents whose needs can't be met locally, and who will overload the system, both locally and statewide.  It's a classic application of the Cloward-Piven strategy.  The administration is presumably hoping that it'll force those towns and states to become dependent on the federal government for the funds they need to respond to this crisis . . . and, in the process, the new arrivals will take the jobs available in those places, leaving more Americans out of work and dependent on unemployment assistance (again, funded by and increasing the influence of Washington D.C.).

As economist Herbert Stein noted in the law named after him:  "If something cannot go on forever, it will stop."  This cannot go on.  It's unsustainable.  The only question remaining to be answered is whether it can (or will) be stopped by a new administration, or whether people will rise up and reclaim their own towns and states.  DiveMedic believes that the latter will happen - and I find it very hard to disagree with him.

Be warned, keep your eyes and ears open for warning signs, and prepare as best you can.



Anonymous said...

Where I live in northwest Florida, jamaicans are being bused in for work pushing out the American citizens.

McChuck said...

Fully one third of the people currently residing inside the borders of the USA are foreigners.

Anonymous said...

Tough talk does nothing. "The people will rise up and reclaim their own towns and states" No we won't. We have all been conditioned to take it. We are all wrapped up in our own comfortable cocoons that we are not willing to risk it. Nobody is willing to be first. Look what happened to those who stood up on J6. We all have so much to lose. We will make every excuse. Even I am posting this anonymous. We are all cowards who will get what we deserve. Solzhenitsyn has it right. "And how we burned in the camps" That quote defines us all.

JG said...

The mass invasion of illegals during the Biden-Harris Admin is one way they have set the country up to be destroyed. If we do not have a change with Trump and mass move to get the illegals out the country will be destroyed.

Rob said...

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand? . . .”

– Alexandr Solzhenitzyn “The Gulag Archipelago,”

Anonymous said...

Not just the illegals. All of them. Those haitians and other third-worlds were imported "legally". Immigration ain't what it used to be, they aren't all like our host at this blog anymore. I doubt any of them are these days, reguardless of the countries they came from. This is invasion and collaboration. If we don't expell or exterminate these people we are done.

Chas said...

Shoot at the buses

Anonymous said...

I agree with anon at 8:23.
I don’t want to be the next John Brown or end up like a J6er. I haven’t seen any Americans rioting and demonstrating to get them out of prison and we all agree they are political prisoners. And we do still have a great life and I won’t jeopardize that unless I know there will be enough backup to make it a serious effort to reestablish America as it should be. I think conditions will have to deteriorate much more before a consensus is reached that the time has obviously come and a leader appears that can organize real Americans for the task.

Jim from down the bayou

boron said...

I wonder what the Czechoslovaks thought when they noticed a sudden influx of Germans on 1 Oct '38

Anonymous said...

People like our host are no longer allowed into our country, lest they, like our host, notice that our nation is being deliberately destroyed by the unassimalable invaders.
If we are to preserve our nation, we need to 1) remove the current invaders, and only permit the entry of people who want to become Americans in fact and attitude for at least 30 years, 2) through the Supreme Court, restore the 14th Amendment requirement that birthright citizenship is only available to the children of citizens or legal immigrants, and not to persons merely present at the time of the birth of their child, nor to surrogate mothers, and 3) reverse Ted Kennedys' 1965 immigration preference for non Europeans.
This will probably not happen, so the predictably violent consequences will eventually kick off, starting with small individual actions by people who have been directly affected, and spreading as the various .gov actions become more extreme.
John in Indy

Anonymous said...

In point of fact, that is untrue; only fourteen percent of the population of the US is foreign-born.

You are entitled to your opinion regarding how many foreigners should be in this country; you are not entitled to your own facts about how many foreigners are in this country.

Anonymous said...

You are so correct. We will not take risks until the comfort is taken away.

Anonymous said...

I realize that it is de rigeur here to assume that the Biden administration is hell-bent on ruin and destruction, but there is a much simpler explanation for why the Haitians are being sent to the backcountry: money.

These are all low COL areas, and it's a lot cheaper for the government to take care of the Haitian refugees in Sylacauga or Springfield than in Atlanta or Chicago or Omaha.

Anonymous said...

As an electrical apprentice in Bavaria almost fifty years ago, I was a Gastarbeiter, or guest worker, us citizen with a work permit and residence permit. Most guest workers from Turkey or the balkans lived in wheeled bunkhouses or shared shabby (for Germany) apartments. Many ultimately returned home with a considerable nest egg. But many stayed, and assimilated. They learned to speak passable German and conform to local standards of behavior. Then the locus of emigration to northern Europe became the middle east. These largely keep to themselves, don't learn the local language, extract social services without any plan to move beyond such need. My brother lives in southern Sweden. According to him, violence in society there is presently almost all migrant on migrant. This will inevitably bleed over to the native inhabitants. My nephew in Gothenburg tells me that it's easier to buy a 9mm there than it is in Biloxi. But bust down a door in Biloxi and it's reasonable to expect a legally armed citizen to blow your head off. Not in Sweden, yet.
In places where the people can't defend themselves, criminals rule. In some times and places they've worn uniforms. Strongmen become the law when citizens cannot resist effectively. As citizens of the United States of America we must never allow our chosen government to disarm us. They will guilt us or starve us or regulate us into slavery if we allow it. Resist!
rick m

0007 said...

Start with the people running the ngos who are being paid with tax dollars to do this.

Anonymous said...

This really puts a damper on the "move to a small town in a rural area" prepper mantra... Anywhere with cheap or excess rental housing is prone to the same displacement by migrants happening there.

At this point, I think you're best serve to move rural, ideally with family or li

Anonymous said...

‘Immigrants’ have been dumped all over Massachusetts. Even the Democrat governor said they can’t handle this. Several small towns, less than 6K people, received 150 ‘families’ and were told town services must provide for these people. Doesn’t sound like much, but most towns operate on bare-bones minimum budgets. The schools can’t handle the influx. Housing prices are through the roof so these people have no chance at finding a place to live. In Boston, the city shut down a recreation center to residents, and used it to provide housing for the migrants. Locals were irate, losing a place for kids to play and families to meet socially.
It’s all over the country.
Southern NH

Aesop said...

The Biden pretender regime, not content to turn the gas all the way up on the burners under the pot, have now welding torches around the sides as well, with a view to making it explode.

It would be a true shame to disappoint them in their quest, and restoring the status quo after that explosion will likely also shrink their voter base by leaps and bounds as a direct side effect.

'Tis a consummation devoutly to be wished.

The people who set those fires, thinking they could control their societal arson, are in for a rude and painful awakening when the experiment escapes the lab.

I hope they die in indescribable shrieking agony, as the flames and the regret wash over their entire bodies, at roughly the same time. Their final screams will be music to the citizenry's ears.

Anonymous said...

From Kevin Drum, about two weeks ago "until recently Springfield was a dying town. Ten years ago it began a program to attract new business and it was stunningly successful: before long it had produced more jobs than the town could fill. According to the New York Times, "Many young, working-age people had descended into addiction. Others shunned entry-level, rote work altogether, employers said."

The Haitian community heard about this and rescued Springfield. They migrated from other states and filled the jobs, doing them so well that more and more businesses set up shop. By all accounts, the Haitian settlers were hard working, law abiding, and healthy. “It was incredible to witness the transformation of our community,” said Horton Hobbs, vice president of economic development for the Greater Springfield Partnership, which executed the plan.

The second point of irony is that this has nothing to do with either Joe Biden or Kamala Harris. Most of the Haitians were already in the country thanks to the Cuban Haitian Entrant Program of 1980. They moved to Springfield because they learned that it had lots of good jobs. "Haitians who heard that the Springfield area boasted well-paying, blue-collar jobs and a low cost of living poured in, and employers were eager to hire and train the new work force.""

Kevin is worth following for a different perspective. As is Comrade Misfit.

J. C. Salomon said...

“Chas”, how’d you achieve the glowing-text effect in your comment?

Tree Mike said...

Roger that!

Anonymous said...

How did you get an accurate census of the illegals?
Those numbers have been absolute bullshit for decades.
John in Indy

MN Steel said...

It's a helluva lot cheaper to keep them in Haiti and let them eat each other instead of pets and wildlife here.

They've been shipping welfare cases from Detroit up to the UP for a couple decades, all that was "improved" were the amount of drugs and crime in a low COL area because there are very few jobs for the locals that get paid $12/hour if they're lucky.