Friday, February 7, 2020

OK, the coronavirus has a name!

It's provided by commenter "elysianfields" over at Aesop's place, in a comment to his latest article on the subject.

Is it possible that the virus (to be referred to as "the sniffles" or maybe "kung flu", might remain active in the body?

"Kung Flu".  Brilliant!



Aesop said...

Stolen shamelessly, in a heartbeat.

MarcusZ1967 said...

E.M keeps a close eye on this outbreak.

MarcusZ1967 said...

Oh, and Kung Flu. Seen that before with SARS..?

JohnMXL said...

A group is being quarantined at a National Guard camp near where I live, and the airport at which I work was the closest facility equipped to handle both the airplane and the logistics of receiving them.

I chose to refer to the inbound flight as the Kung Flu Express.

The arrival and processing looked like a cross between a POTUS visit and a scene from "Outbreak".