Thursday, October 19, 2023

Hardly surprising...


Left-wing anti-gunners are dismayed to learn that their legislated bans, restrictions and prohibitions are not being obeyed by an American public with more common sense than they expected.

With Illinois’ gun and magazine ban still facing legal hurdles in federal court, a registry created in relation to the ban has been open for a week. A fraction of a percent of gun owners have complied so far. 

As part of the Protect Illinois Communities Act that was enacted earlier this year, the registration portal for firearms owners in Illinois that own certain semi-automatic firearms, accessories and ammunition opened Oct. 1. While the law bans more than 170 semi-automatic rifles, shotguns and handguns, it also bans handgun magazines over 15 rounds and rifle magazines over 10 rounds. Magazines do not have to be registered. 

Illinois State Police published the first round of statistics Tuesday, and of more than 2.4 million Firearm Owner ID card holders, 1,050 individuals have registered a total of 3,202 firearms, .50 caliber ammunition and accessories. 

“You’re at 0.0004%. That’s a rounding error,” gun rights advocate Todd Vandermyde told The Center Square.

There's more at the link.

Good for Illinois gun owners!  They follow in the proud tradition established by Connecticut and New York State gun owners, who disobeyed restrictive legislation in such massive numbers as to render it a joke.  Clearly, they prefer to be labeled as felons under the new laws rather than submit to such authoritarian overreach.  The overreach is itself an insult to our intelligence, given repeated rulings that police are not legally liable or constitutionally responsible to protect individuals.  If they're not responsible, who is?  The only possible answer is, we are - and if laws make it difficult (even impossible) to equip ourselves with adequate means to do so, we're defenseless.

One hopes Illinois gun owners will continue their civil disobedience.  I think they're a lot safer doing that than complying with the new law.  For the rest of us, I suggest Illinois and states like it that restrict the rights of their citizens (and, of course, visitors) should be on our list of places to avoid, if at all possible.  That even includes transit through them.  Why place ourselves at risk through their misguided policies?  And why reward them by spending our hard-earned dollars within their borders?



Anonymous said...

I agree with you 110%, unfortunately the State see's their act of civil disobedience as felonious criminal activity.
Something's gotta change....

BGnad said...

The non compliance of the Canadian long gun registry is a big part of what cased it to be abandoned several years ago.

Jay Dee said...

"Irish Democracy" may not be fast but it is effective. And it drives the soi-disant elites to paroxysms of frustration. All the better.

Glypto Dropem said...

As one of those proud residents of Kommiecticut that has given the giant middle finger to state government and chose to become a paper felon instead... I say "BRAVO!" to the people in the Land of Lincoln.

Bob C. said...

For any "felons" actually brought to trial, jury nullification seems the best course. And if that's not possible, it only takes *one* rational person to hang a jury; lather, rinse, repeat.

Skyler the Weird said...

There's bound to be a run on chemical barrels and hydrofloric acid.

Dan said...

I don't think the commies running the state actually thought most people would obey the law and promptly register those items. The goal was to get the law passed. Then when some poor schmuck is caught in posses of an unregistered item they can crucify them in court. Make a public example of them. Totally destroy them in every manner possible. And do that to EVERYONE try catch who failed to register. Then a couple years down the road they offer an amnesty. Allow people to register the proscribed items. Then repeat the process. By destroying anyone they catch they scare a ?of of people into compliance. Eventually they win. Gun grabbers are patient. They NEVER give up.

Old NFO said...

Judged by 12 is better than carried by 6...

Will said...

No city or state that created a gun ban ever got registrations of more than 10% of the expected items. I think CA was the first, and they got the highest rates, but each new attack on the 2nd Amendment got less and less citizens to respond. In the near future, I expect the response to include rope and light poles, if the courts continue to ignore the Supreme Court and the Constitution. Even those clowns are beginning to collect some side eye due to erratic positions. Someone forecasted "interesting times" ahead, so they would be well served to pay attention.

lynn said...

Never register anything other than your vehicles. And I am not sure about those.

LL said...

Black guns matter.

Tom Bridgeland said...

Quite a few of our downstate (not Chicago or the burbs) sheriffs have stated publicly and in writing that they will not enforce this law.

Anonymous said...

Civil disobedience is fine so long as, if it fails, it is followed by uncivil disobedience rather than grudging obedience.

Aesop said...

Califrutopia led the way, starting with 98.5% non-compliance with the original 1989 AWB hereabouts.

Brighter legislators (oxymoron alert) would have regarded that as a cluebat.

Anonymous said...

You need to be aware of the snoops that are the mimic to the stasi that has been in place and working to undermine all those with potential that could be considered a threat to the powers ...
See the anon y mous con serv ative at the d o t c o m

Yes they do intercept all kinds of communication, even infiltration of the kinder skools to start roadblocking the little ones before they can blossom.

AC had a comment to this law as to the low register rate:

People know they will need them, and do not want to endanger their possession of them. The danger is, surveillance knows who has what, and now can pick and choose who to arrange an arrest for. Understand if you go this route, and you have a plumbing issue, they may tell the plumber to “accidentally” wander around “lost” and walk into the room where they are, so he can report you. You have to assume you are being stalked by people who know everything, and who are trying to set you up, and keep everyone at arm’s length, and prevent them from arranging an “innocent” exposure of your crime. On the bright side, my impression is most cops know something of what is going on, and do not want to get involved in the gun issue.