Thursday, October 12, 2023

Just a reminder - heads up this Friday the 13th


I have no idea whether anything terroristic will happen tomorrow, but Hamas clearly hopes it will.

Hamas Calls for Global ‘Day of Jihad’ on Friday the 13th

Forewarned is forearmed.



JohninMd.(HELP!) said...

I'm probably not leaving the house tomorrow, cuz nuthin scheduled. But iron will be worn, discretely....

Paul, Dammit! said...

Sitting in NY harbor, there's a lot of blue lights buzzing around. The NYPD did a call-up where 100% of all employees have to work today. I sure am hopeful it'll all be for nothing.

Peteforester said...

Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it...

Maniac said...

If they really have to strike, may it be San Francisco.

glasslass said...

We have none here in our small town. A factory brought in about 50 workers plus family. Didn't bother anyone but at the factory it was none stop complaints. Had to buy new stove and cook only acceptable food on it. Special plates, special food, special everything. Then the problems began on the factory floor and parking lot. They went looking for a place to put a Mosque but only one's available had limited parking. Also wanted 'special rates'. Factory ended up sending them back to were they got them from.

JNorth said...

Seems to be Paul, world wide at least, it's ~noon EST, so most of the day is over in Europe and no reports of attacks there.

Anonymous said...

I forwarded the rumor to some friends along with "Shooter Ready! Standby..." :)

Will said...


What company is this? Always useful to know who are idiots in our land. Doubt they learned anything from the incident, as that sort of thinking that would outsource work by bringing in outsiders to "save a dollar" is generally unable to learn lessons from mistakes. They already think they know it all.

glasslass said...

Will it was Pilgrim Pride chicken factory. Been here for decades with multiple site's. Our particular one's came from the terrorist senator herself, Omar. Which coming from Somalia which is a hellhole itself they sure seem to have a mindset that you are here to serve me!