Friday, June 7, 2024

Doofuses (doofi?) galore!


While searching for something else, I came across a half-hour video collection of bloopers, mistakes and foul-ups, mostly involving construction, repair or demolition of buildings.  It's almost mesmerizing, seeing just how much can go wrong!  I can't embed it here, because the owner doesn't allow that:  but click over to it on YouTube and watch it there.

Doofi indeed . . .



Anonymous said...

All those myriad safety warnings are there because someone somewhere did it wrong and doctors and lawyers got involved...

Old NFO said...


Steve Sky said...

Search YouTube for total idiots at work and see a whole list of examples.

HMS Defiant said...

Turns out that I cannot watch things like that. I don't find them amusing, I find them irritating. I can't count the number of times I told people to 'stop that!' Brings the irritation flooding back.

Anonymous said...

George Orwell's 1984 and now Pater's 2024.....

A demonstration of what the practice of our all-new policies of hiring only D.E.I. candidates to our workforce will result in.

D.E.I. you say? (Diversity, Equality, Inclusiveness). A totally racist policy of hiring that does not consider experience and education as a factor in hiring, but hiring strictly based on race and gender. In other words, experienced and educated white males need not apply.

Karma, consequences, whatever. Stand by.