Sunday, June 2, 2024

Sunday morning music


Johnny Mathis has had a mind-boggling career, entertaining audiences for almost 70 years.  His vocals are unmistakeable.  You can read all about his life at Wikipedia.

I grew up to the sound of his voice on my parents' gramophone (and yes, that term dates me!).  I thought I'd bring you a brief selection of his earlier works, out of the literally scores of hits and gold or platinum records he has to his credit.  Without further ado, and in no particular order, here we go.

He's still performing occasional concerts, even though he's in his late 80's.  What a magnificent showman!



STxAR said...

Dad sang at weddings for all our relatives. I remember him practicing the Twelfth of Never, among other songs, for cousins' weddings. I was at a week long new hire training in Dallas about 1998. I had a genealogy list on the table next to me. The guy behind me grabbed it up during a break and dashed outside. I followed him, not knowing what to expect. He was on the phone, then turned and looked at me bewildered. Seems his mom was my dad's first cousin, and he sang at her wedding in the late 50's. He had a golden tenor voice.

Bobo the Hobo said...

“Misty” makes me all gooey inside.

Aggie said...

Another famous one from Gilmer, Texas (Don Henley, Freddie King, Jason Sellers, Benny Turner. A lot of pro football players from there, too. Not bad for a town of less than 5,000 people, in the middle of East B.F. Texas.

Aggie said...

Also, in his heyday he was a pro-level golfer and a naturally-gifted athlete.

libertyman said...

A voice like no other and still going. I always have enjoyed his music