Monday, June 10, 2024

Memes that made me laugh 213


Gathered from around the Internet over the past week.  Click any image for a larger view.

More next week.



Anonymous said...

One of sib-in-law's college friends got a tattoo that translates "Round-eyes can't read." Said friend has an MA in Japanese literature and works as an interpreter. And a very, very off-kilter sense of humor.


Anonymous said...

I like to write silly stuff on my spice bottles. For some time now, my jar of molasses has "Not pronounced Mole Asses". The jar of curry reads "Mild not Tim" The jar of thyme reads "For a good thyme call..." The salt is Iodized not Idolized". And so on.

Orvan Taurus said...

TXRed: Now THAT'S Comedy!

Jean: But is it *ionized*?

TheOtherSean said...

The sofa one is funny, but it is a motorhome sofa.

Peteforester said...

'Once was a place up north of Petaluma in California called "Red's Recovery Room..." 'Not sure if it's still there...

tsquared said...

Lower my AC this summer? No way, reactor #4 just came on line at Vogel. Georgia has power, nuclear power.

Nuke Road Warrior said...

The town where I went to college had a bar/drug emporium/pick-up joint called "The Office." I figured the name was chosen so hubby arriving home late could honestly state "Sorry honey, I had to stay late at the office." It was busted for drug dealing about every six months, but always reopened after about a month. I assume bribes were paid.

Anonymous said...

To Orvan Taurus

Per your question, "But is it *ionized*?"

What do you get when you cross an elephant with a rhinocerous?
An Elephino
