Saturday, June 1, 2024

I entirely agree


Solomon is a former Marine and a law enforcement officer (I think he's a sheriff's deputy) in Louisiana.  We've mentioned him before in these pages.  He penned a short post yesterday that I think is spot on.  I hope he'll forgive me if I reprint it here in full, as it's something we should all consider.

We are ONE galvanizing issue away from this nation going pop...

Been drinking in the Trump conviction.  From my chair it seems like a kangaroo court but who knows.  From my chair it seems like a DA that's been letting violent criminals out of jail on the regular but decides to do this is highly questionable.

The timing of this thing is jacked to hell.  This could have waited till the dude got out of office.  Quick question.  Did you know that EVERY president we've ever had in the modern era has engaged in criminal behavior?  At its most base form, warfare is illegal (we put "rules" on it but how do you lawyer yourself out of ordering people to kill?) but take that further.  We've done targeted killing and missed hitting families instead but no one has ever even been grand juried!

But to my main point.

Think back to the civil war.

Slavery was the cause, some say it was state's rights (slavery just a bit friendlier without the ramifications) and others say it was about economics (the bottom line on slavery...its about the money ya ****!), but it took just one galvanizing issue.

One issue.  People had enough.  Society blew up and the nation started killing itself.

Look at the divide between the states today.  How far are we from one major league issue to having things go pop?

What should worry you is that we have more than one issue that has people inflamed.  No need in listing them but I mean seriously!  In another age people would have already been grabbing their mags and heading to hurt someone!

Someone that considers themselves a puppet master better figure out how to turn down the heat.

As things stand now the Chinese are the least of our problems.

Yes, indeed.  The rest of this year is likely to be fraught.  There are a lot of people out there determined to "right the wrong" of the 2020 election.  There are equally many determined that President Trump is an existential threat, and must never be allowed to be re-elected, no matter what it takes.

That's our nation today.  We're sitting on an open gunpowder keg, with people on both sides tossing lighted matches at it.



SL said...

This travesty BS "conviction" IS the "galvanizing issue".

Mind your own business said...

"America is just a corpse being devoured by maggots.

Liberals are rooting for the maggots.

Conservatives are rooting for the corpse."

Stan_qaz said...

Folks were working to avoid the Civil War (link below) but they acted too slowly and were overcome by events. Taking slavery off the table would have lessened pressure on the South to act so soon and given us time to work on the other issues.

I'm not seeing anyone working to avoid the next civil war, just folks pushing us towards it, folks surrendering slowly to protect their power and positions and folks hoping it isn't going to come to that.

Charlie said...

The travesty of the Trump verdict is just icing on the cake of government treasonous behavior.

The problem this govt is facing is that none of us trust it any longer. From dog catcher up.

Local sheriff primary a few months ago. I spoke with both of them. We'll be fine here. No democrat even bothered to run since there is zero chance of them winning here. The winner was a fire investigator, mentioned the govt agencies he had worked with in his literature. I mentioned that any affiliation in any way with the atf was a no-go for me as a voter. He went way out of his way to get ahold of me and explain that he in no way condones any of their actions, he worked with them on a fire/explosion investigation, required as part of his duties. And that he put it in his campaign literature because he did not want to hide it and be accused of being dishonest.

So yes, the local elections are our only hope. There will be serious confrontations on the road ahead for us. The same way county da's are going after Trump, our surragate, they will be going after us. If there are any conservative da's, you will know them by there actions. If not, fight them at every turn.

It is gonna get ugly in ways we cannot imagine.

Peteforester said...

"Look at the divide between the states today."

Forget that!!! Look at the divide between different areas WITHIN the states today!!! I live in southern California. Yeah, yeah; "the land of fruits and nuts" according to most of the country. What people outside of California don't realize is JUST.HOW.MANY Conservatives live here! More people in California voted for Trump in 202 than in SEVERAL Midwestern states... COMBINED.

What I'm getting at here is that if Civil War II comes, and it looks more and more likely by the day, there won't be a nice, clean "Mason Dixon Line." Don't assume that because you live in a "red" state that you'll be safe. Don't assume that if you live in a "blue" state, all is lost. We must know our strengths, weaknesses, and neighbors!

We must all make our stand WHERE we stand, and for the right reasons. It can't be "for Trump." It MUST be FOR AMERICA!!!

...It's time, folks... WELL past time...

Anonymous said...

Nothing will happen if trump goes to jail. Who will lead/be in that posse. The galvanizing event will be so awful that hauling down to the local's house that had a biden sign out last election event to burn it to the ground will have no moral constraints applied at all. Sad days indeed. The left has been pushing for a reaction they could point to like they did Jan 6th but once the next one gets rolling it will fuel itself Sarajevo times Rwanda squared. It will shock the senses. Lord have Mercy.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion the "event" will be fedgov trying to cancel or delay the elections, on any excuse. Failing that, Trump crushing Biden or whoever they replace him with will bring out the leftys in force. Either one of these will flip my switch.

Old NFO said...

All politics is 'local' at the first instance... As Pete said, that will be the 'match' that lights the fire.

LL said...

The Democrats want to fire the shot heard 'round the world...

Okay, that being said, President Trump has earned well in excess of $50 million since the verdict. It may be the biggest moneymaker in political history.

Anonymous said...

Reply to what Peteforester said 6-1-24 at 1117 hrs:

No, there will not be the clear dividing lines of the 1860's because our political divisions are not one state lines. Sometimes they are on county lines, but mostly the Leftists are concentrated in urban polities that they control at all levels. Any free Americans who live in those polities do so in sufferance.

It is absolutely vital to be clear on one other point. Urban polities, Leftist or not, are absolutely and totally NOT self-sufficient in food, water, medicine, or energy. Modern economics and trade runs on the best case assumption of what is called "Just In Time" scheduling of deliveries. Short form, in about 3 days after the organic waste impacts the rotating airfoil; both warehouses and store shelves start emptying. There is no more supply cushion. We see this in times of natural disasters or major storms.

I am not saying rural and suburban types are prepared for such, but they are far better off than the urban types. Especially the Leftist types who neither understand the concept of keeping a pantry full, nor where food comes from as a process. They are going to be coming out of those Leftist urban polities to loot and pillage from surrounding areas. That is not a sustainable model.

Toss in another factor. In urban areas there is always a more or less feral population. They will not even have the pretense of society restraining them any more. This is regardless of ethnicity. Let me toss in a thought from back when I wore a badge for a living [28 years worth]. Back in those days the US was about third in homicides worldwide. Which matches Leftist propaganda. However, if you remove the 5 largest US cities from the count; all of which are absolutely Democrat/Leftist controlled from top to bottom, and all of which statutorily functionally ban firearms possession . . . we drop to about 180th or 190th.

When waste meets airfoil there are going to be Leftists and ferals coming out to loot, Americans trying to escape the Democrat controlled urban areas, and Americans outside those Democrat controlled urban areas trying to defend themselves. It will be most untidy and intermixed. Speaking as someone who learned long ago that "Amateurs study tactics and Professionals study logistics"; I would suggest that those defending their homes do their best to cut off food, water, and energy to those Leftist urban areas.

Subotai Bahadur

Anonymous said...

I just noticed this -


The conclusion is -

"One final point, dear reader,

Remember, remember the 5th of November."

One might think that the treason and the plot are already there. Just missing the gunpowder so far

Maniac said...

Correction: the Liberals ARE the maggots.

Duke of URL VFM#391 said...

It’s All Planned
1] Things are going well.
2] People begin to create groups.
3] People begin to look for preferential treatment.
4] Opposing ideology to the prevailing civic ideology is introduced and spread.
5] Those who have an opposing ideology are considered evil.
6] People actively avoid being near those of opposing ideology. Might move from communities or states just because of ideology.
7] Common violence. Organized violence is occurring monthly.

Right Now:
8] Common violence that is generally deemed by governmental authorities as justified based on ideology.

9] Opposing sides develop governing/war structures. Just in case.
10] Open War.

Anonymous said...

Search for the map named Purple America, colored in shades of red and blue, by county, in proportion to the percentages of registered R and D voters.
Any civil disturbances / civil war will likely look more like Yugoslavia than our former unpleasantness.
John in Indy

Anonymous said...

On economic necessity as the trigger for the Civil War, my observations are that the problems of looking at the Civil War are in seeing only two sides.
There were three. The Northern States, with their internal economy, the anti-slavery social / political forces, and their political bloc interests; the Southern States, with their natural resource / export economy, their large economic investment in slaves as wealth, and though there were relatively few large slaveowners, they had great influence in the news / State legislatures.
The third side is the Federal Government. At the time there was no income tax, and Federal revenue came exclusively from tariffs, import duties, and excise taxes, as on whisky.
The North could survive without the South, and vice versa.
The Federal government could not survive without the money paid to it by the South. They needed the War to keep control. Ft Sumpter was the Federal fort controlling access to Charleston harbor, the most active port on the East Coast at the time, and from whence tax, duties, and tariff enforcement would be done.
It was not only War debts that caused the Federal Greenback currency to trade at a discount to gold for more than ten years after the War. The Federal government had lost their largest source of income.
N.B. The British government, when they abolished slavery, paid some compensation directly to slaveowners to allow them to pay off the debts they had on their slaves. In the US, the banks holding debts on Southern properties, which included their slaves, simply foreclosed.
John in Indy

Aesop said...

The dividing lines now run not between states, nor even between counties, but between houses, and sometimes between bedrooms within the same house.

That's a recipe for the sort of civil war that will make the last one look like a church picnic pie fight.

And let's be serious, Peter:
No one's throwing matches at the gunpowder keg.

They're shooting flares and Roman candles at it.

oldvet1950 said...

Just sick of people saying the Civil War was about slavery! There is no way in hell it was since there were several Union states where slavery was still legal and practiced during that war. Also, Lincoln's EP only freed the slaves that were in the rebel territories, not in the Union. Look it up, I'll wait.