Saturday, July 20, 2024

No Snippet today


It's about 2.30 am on Saturday morning, and I still haven't gone to bed.  Working too hard, not able to switch off my mind and relax.  So, I'm afraid there's no Snippet today;  instead, I'll have a last cup of tea, then head to bed and just lie there until my eyes decide it's OK to close.



Jen said...

Melatonin gummies. Otherwise you lie awake all night wondering how many vertebrae in a giraffes neck (7), and don't forget to meet mom for lunch, and why do dogs and horses and cows have transverse ridges on their hard palate, but we don't, and why check triglyceride levels on Propofol patients, and I need to have the brakes checked, and what is the cat doing at those hour...oh gross now I really can't sleep....

Maniac said...

Kava kava has helped me with anxiety.

Phillip said...

I get it. Same problem. Middle age is tough

Old NFO said...

I know that feeling... sigh

Anonymous said...

As I age, I do the same, Peter. Pain makes it worse, although we adjust when it's constant. May peaceful sleep find you soon.
--Tennessee Budd

Anonymous said...

Hi Peter

Been there, done that. Not waiting for the T-shirt

This might be of interest re the "sniper".

Brings out what hasn’t really come up before in my reading – the shooter did not have a telescopic sight, just a non-magnified dot point sight. So no “super sniper” if that is the case.

Anonymous said...

Or Sparrows.... 14-15.... Justim