Monday, July 1, 2024

This gets to the heart of the matter


I'm long since sick of the talking heads that are yammering on about the Biden-Trump debate last week.  The essential elements could be figured out by anyone with two working brain cells (or even less) in a few minutes.  Nobody yet knows how it'll work out (although it promises to be a cross between a tortured melodrama and a laugh-a-minute yuckfest finding out).

There's one commenter who seems to have his finger on the political pulse of last week's encounter.  Speaking in Australia at a conservative conference, Tucker Carlson had this to say.  Even if you've seen or heard bits of it before, it's worth taking nine minutes out of your day to hear it again.

I wasn't very enamored of President Trump's performance last week either.  Bombastic, sometimes shrill, sometimes childish, sometimes downright dishonest . . . he did not come across as presidential, I'm afraid (at least, not by my somewhat old-fashioned standards).  Nevertheless, if the choice is between him and President Biden, I think most of us will line up behind him.

Unless . . . we could persuade Tucker Carlson to offer himself as a candidate?

I'm not sure that would be a good idea;  Carlson is invaluable as an honest, no-holds-barred observer of the scene and a trenchant commenter.  We need him doing his present job, and calling the rest of our political establishment to account (frequently).  Nevertheless . . . what if we had a mind like his in charge - whether from the left or the right, I don't care - taking a long, unafraid look at the catastrophe which is our federal government at present, rolling up his sleeves, and starting in on the cleanup?

Tempting thought . . .



Anonymous said...

Cleanup of our governmental systems will require taking power away from entrenched interests, agencies, and bureaucratic, all of which will fight us with all the lies, propaganda, false flags, and direct force that they can bring to bear.
Eventually, we win, and our survivors try to rebuild our Constitutional Republic. That will not be easy, but it will be worth doing.
John in Indy

Mikey said...

Our country is in grave danger.

Mikey said...

And a second comment. Jill Biden is a slap in the face to every family out there that is trying to help and care for a loved one with Alzheimers or other age related dementia.

Anonymous said...

How exactly are you minority of conservatives going to overcome the majority of liberals? Voting is supposed to produce this result, that's why the Bad People teach to children in their mandatory-attendance schools.

Unknown said...

Trump has never been presidential, but he wasn't a bad President. While he was President, we got a decent economy, better control of our border, record low unemployment, decent Supreme Court justices, progress toward peace (or at least no active hostilities) in the mid-East, and no new major wars starting.

He messed up on a lot of things, too (especially the national response to the Covid pandemic), but on the whole there was more good than bad. Also, he wasn't Hillary.

So I'm willing to overlook mean tweets, bombast, personal attacks against his opponents (although as often in response to similar attacks against him as they were fresh attacks), and other such things that don't reflect his actual performance in office.

Dragon Lady said...

I shared something I readjust after the debate with my Dragonette - to wit, Trump lied as usual, and Biden exaggerated.

Trump exaggerates. He is a narcissistic, bombastic New Yorker so everything is the biggest, the best, the greatest, etc. When you recognize what Trump is, you learn to discount the hyperbole and learn that is was big, or really good, or whatever - just not the biggest/best/greatest.

Biden lies. Now, by now he probably doesn't realize that he is lying, but his handlers are giving him lies to tell - inflation, military deaths, and insulin prices are among the things he outright lied about. And that is ignoring the lies about Trump ("losers and suckers", "fine people", "inject bleach", etc.) that have all been debunked, even by the MSM, but remain Biden talking points.

And regardless of whther you agree with me or not, we have two choices in November - Trump or the cabal behind Biden. At least I know who is making the decisions if Trump gets elected.

Anonymous said...

Check out Carlson’s interview with the President of El Salvador. That guy is 100% presidential.

Anonymous said...

Tucker ratified the biden win against Trump using the no evidence of vote fraud mantra. You are granting him more integrity than he deserves

BobF said...

Yep. Saw that one and the previous one in which Tucker gave an excellent speech there as well as totally frisking a nutty reporter. I've never heard a speaker take apart a reporter better. 'Bout time.

Javahead said...

@Dragon Lady: I just tell people I've voting for the bombastic Faux Felon rather than the influence-peddling Senile Pedophile.

On a personal level, I really find Trump's style annoying - brusque, needlessly confrontational, and, yes, prone to flights of exaggeration.

But he's also tenacious and willing to take considerable flack to do what, in his own judgement, is the Right Thing. And his first reaction to would-be bullies is not to give in or backpedal, but to punch back - harder.

And yes, I think he was a pretty good President - not just in contrast to the current embarrassment to the office, but to any other contender for the office, in either party.

I view choosing a President as something akin to choosing a plumber - you're not choosing them to be your best friend, you're choosing them because you trust them to Do The Job.

And you know what? I DO trust Trump to Do The Job.

Dan said...

One of the reasons Trump succeeded in 2016 is he was able to finance his own campaign to a great extent. Very few people can do that. Carlson couldn't finance a campaign which means he would be owned by this who would provide that funding. It's a critical flaw in our political system. Virtually all politicians at the national level are elected PRE OWNED by whoever funded their campaign.

Old Surfer said...

Trump certainly has some faults, but remember, He walked into North Korea! He talked to Kim and calmed things down all over.
He was a good president in spite of the swamp fighting him all the way and most of his "advisers" misleading him.

bravokilo said...

>downright dishonest
Can you expand on that? It seems fashionable to say that he lies, but I've yet to see a valid example. We conservatives just don't put up with liars.

For the people who say he doesn't act 'Presidential'...please define which president is your example? Washington, who killed a man for not paying taxes? The whale that needed a custom-built tub? The one who outlawed criticism of the sitting President? The one with the body fluid stain issues? The one that tapped all comms of his opponent? I could go on, but you see the problem?

Conservatives are always trying to be conciliatory by saying stuff like this, but it just causes divisions on our on side.

Ritchie said...

Policy is enacted by the winner. Message ends.