Wednesday, September 25, 2024

That's a very good question indeed


From fellow blogger Mike Miles:

I've seen precisely that in Africa on far too many occasions.  Refugees or "migrants" move from one place to another for whatever reason, and rely on the United Nations and NGO's to feed, house and care for them.  When that aid is cut off (as inevitably happens when the money runs out), they turn to crime and/or violent unrest to get (take) what they need.

From their perspective, of course, they have no choice.  There's no aid available, nobody's going to give them food or clothing or transport, they have no future without the ability to earn a living - so why not riot, rob and loot?  They literally have no alternative.  Unfortunately for all concerned, the things they want to steal already belong to others, who need them just as badly.   If they don't defend what they've got, they're going to starve in their turn.  That means ongoing violence and disruption to society at a minimum - effectively, civil war.

If you've followed the politics and anthropology of the Third World, you know what I'm talking about.  The Democratic Republic of the Congo, Somalia and Sri Lanka are recent examples.  International aid organizations are merely a Band-Aid slapped on top of such festering sores of poverty, deprivation and need.  The same can be said of those "aid" organizations who are arranging the distribution of "migrants" to various parts of the USA, and giving them money, food and other assistance.

Right now, the US taxpayer is subsidizing all of that.  What happens when that money stops flowing?  Will the resulting violence be used as an excuse to keep the aid going, no matter whether we can afford it or not?  Will the authorities crack down on criminal violence to keep it under control?  Or will they let the destitute "migrants" run wild, after first making sure that they've been sent to areas that don't support the administration allowing that to happen?  For that matter, will citizens be allowed to defend themselves against this upsurge of violence, or will they be blamed for it and their defensive weapons confiscated or restricted?

I think we all can guess the answers to those questions.  If you're in any doubt about what's behind it - why so many of our politicians approve of such measures - see here for an explanation.



Tree Mike said...

Your next to last paragraph, "You are correct sir!" in my best Ed McMahan voice.
They will run into a shit storm of kinetic resistance under your scenario.

M said...

For the muslims, it's worse. The money etc. is jizya, so they're entitled to it.
There's nothing angrier than someone who has been deprived of something that's deserved.

Anonymous said...

I think the gov't will continue printing money to infinity. MMT in action. And of course corresponding inflation.

Anonymous said...

Given the level of arms owned by the potential victims, I think the answer will be somewhat different than what has happened in other areas of the world.

Anonymous said...

Sending the plague of locusts to places that don't support the regime can be problematic for the locusts as those places are most often peopled by folks with the means to defend themselves.
Boat Guy

The Other Andrew B said...

When I was laid off during Covid, the only job I could find was as a checker at a local grocery. I guess I am naive, but I was absolutely stunned by the number of people using EBT cards. Some were obviously poor, but many of them looked as prosperous as me or more so. And the food! Gallons of ice cream, steak, shrimp, and endless snacks. There I was, making $12 an hour, feeling like a chump.

I came home from work after one especially taxing day and said to my wife "what happens when the EBT cards don't work?" We were a large store, so there might be 20 or 30 EBT shoppers at any time. Imagine all of them being told the card doesn't work. That day is coming, but nationwide. And there will be millions of them. And many won't speak English. And many will have nothing to lose. And they will begin to take whatever they want.

Frankly, you really can't blame them. These immigrants have been explicitly told to enter illegally, then they get cards and vouchers and plane tickets and free housing. Of course this will continue forever. Of course the spigot will never run dry. And, if it should, someone will have to pay.

Anonymous said...

Aid for Africa is particularly damaging. Farmers will not plant crops - why bother? No one will buy their produce as they are getting free food, so the famine persists. With clothing etc. collected and sent to Africa, local tailors and others are unemployed and can't compete against free stuff.

Kindness and generosity from Europe and America is creating a dependent, poor continent that are losing the skills needed to be self sufficient.

A hand up, not a hand out, and limited in quantity and time is what is needed but unthinking compassion isn't the answer.

Phil B

Anonymous said...

Send them to El Salvador. They know how to deal with gang members. That reality would put a serious chill on gang zeal.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps this is a good time to begin asking what work skills do they bring to the USA in hopes of continuing their employment here. If no skills - education are provided, then elsewhere in the world is an option.

I agree - welfare should have a strict limit on how long one can stay on it. Especially if the person had no contribution to it.

Peteforester said...

"I came home from work after one especially taxing day and said to my wife "what happens when the EBT cards don't work?" That happened a while back in L.A, with predictable results.

Peteforester said...

The welfare bums will continue to get their money at the expense of Social Security recipients. 'Ever notice how welfare is NEVER on the chopping block and Social Security ALWAYS is?...

Gerry said...

Your benefits will be cut and your taxes raised before that happens.

SL said...

When it happens they will be stacked like cord wood. May take a while to get them all. No ROE.
We also know who allowed and encouraged the invasion, they will fare no better than the barbarians.

Anonymous said...

Get it while you can!

Stealth Spaniel said...

I work in a BigBox and EBT cards are considered part of the family inheritance. You are so correct: steak, lobster, smoked salmon from Norway, lots of cakes, cookies, pies, snacks, plus MAJOR hauls of coffee, candy, and convenience foods round out the shopping. Some poor bastard is giving part of his $18 an hour to fund it.

BadFrog said...

Reminds me of the Matt Bracken story 'When the music stops'.

Anonymous said...

When citizens become forced to defend themselves kinetically from rampaging illegals who lose their "free government ride" that will be called "civil war;" when government attempts to interfere with citizens' defending themselves government will be included in the kinetic solution. That is called "revolution."

And, to paraphrase JFK, we desperately need a "revolution" but it is government who, unfortunately and sadly, will insist through its repressive actions that it can be only a kinetic one.

Tree Mike said...

It all makes perfect sense , when you keep in mind, the end game is to crash the system and impoverish, sicken, enslave or kill off the rebels and "useless" eaters. It's clearly laid out in Soros book "New World Order" and countless WEF papers and speeches. When (((They))) reduce the population to 500 million ish, THEN (((They'll))) be happy. Stay frosty and stay away from crowds.