Friday, March 14, 2025

I fear he's not wrong...


As usual, Stephan Pastis does a bang-up job (you should pardon the expression) of describing American society in this day and (troubled) age.  Click the image to be taken to a larger version of the cartoon at the "Pearls Before Swine" Web page.

I've heard from a number of contacts in the firearms industry that before last year's elections, most of their customers were conservatives or libertarians.  Since President Trump took office, they report many more liberal and progressive Democrats coming in to arm themselves.  That's not what I'd call a very optimistic forecast for social discourse in America . . .



Hamsterman said...

It all depends on what is considered 'liberal' and 'progressive'. I grew up here in the 70s and all sorts of people had firearms. It wasn't until later that gun control propaganda had its effect of disarming normal and left-leaning Americans. The one liberal gun owner I work with I do not discuss firearms with. He is intelligent, accomplished, and for some reason doesn't believe it was unlawful or unwise to use his 9mm to put down a rabbit in his small back yard in middle of the nice part of the city.

oldvet1950 said...

I wouldn't worry. They'll sell them back at the first police buyback program in their area. Because....the children!

Mind your own business said...

But it may make for it to be more difficult to pass stupid gun control laws!

Peteforester said...

...And then you have the likes of Maxipad Waters actively ENCOURAGING her minions to poke the bear with her "civil war" rhetoric. I truly don't think she's ever taken into account the law of unintended consequences. Then again, maybe she has. All I know is that she and her minions are NOT going to like what they get. The Left might be "arming itself," but face it; the Right has WAY more guns, WAY more ammo, and WAY more time behind the trigger. Add to that the fact that it ALSO has more VETS in its ranks, and you can see that when "the bear" pokes back, it's NOT going to go well for the pokers...

Anonymous said...

Thank God I live in an area where a liberal or Democratic voter is a tourist passing through.

Javahead said...

Peteforester, I must take exception with your use of "Maxipad" as a nickname for Mad Maxine.

A pad or tampon is useful and hygenic.

As far as I can determine, Maxine Waters is neither.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Whatever their motivation, let us hope they learn safe usage.

Old NFO said...

They are getting closer and closer to 'poking' us hard enough to get a reaction that they are NOT expecting. This captures that, IMHO.

Paul M said...

Suspect they are arming up for all those organized "peaceful protests"...the real "tell" will be an uptick in propane weed burners.

Hamsterman said...

I'm not convinced Maxine is in full control of her faculties. I was at a funeral and she gave a very nice eulogy...for the deceased's mother, who was right there in the front row. This was several years ago...

Anonymous said...

I suspect they will be like the thousands of conservatives I know that went out and bought AR-15s which they hide behind the water heater in the basement and never so much as load, much less shoot.

Paul, Dammit! said...

If nothing else, it will promote good manners in public.

Peteforester said...

I stand corrected and humbled, Javahead... Indeed, Maxipads also make GREAT battle dressings... My bad...

0007 said...

Heinlein"s axiom, " An armed society is a polite society.", may not hold true any longer.

Dan said...

American society has been and continuer to bifurcate into two separate cultures. These two cultures are incompatible. One culture utter refuses to coexist with the other. That reality will inevitably lead to violence and the necessary eradication of one by the other. Eventually this fact will become obvious to everyone. And it appears we are not too far from that point in time.

McChuck said...

They don't have to sell to Democrats. Political discrimination is allowed by established law.

Nate Winchester said...

Don't fret. This is a good thing.
If the Left is starting to understand why the 2nd amendment exists, then they will be less inclined to infringe upon it.

Just keep stressing to them that fascists disarm their citizens.